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Design your presentation keeping the perspective of leading with purpose as a transformational, servant leader.Professional Development for Improving New To School Teacher Induction Strategies.

I am providing an example of a past paper done please use it to create the slides. In 10 slides, complete an induction orientation meeting outline to welcome a teacher new to the school (beginning teacher, veteran teacher, or both) to introduce them to the school and school culture.
Include a title slide, reference slide with 2-3 references, and presenter’s notes.

Design your presentation keeping the perspective of leading with purpose as a transformational, servant leader.

Topics to include within your presentation, but not limited to:
School vision and mission.
School Continuous Improvement Plan.
Grade level or content team.
Leadership team expectations.
Teacher expectations.
All students should share a rough draft of the orientation presentation with their mentors and incorporate the feedback into the final design of the orientation. Within the presentation notes, summarize each mentor’s feedback and the field experience information. Make this part up as if you presented to your mentor and mentor gave feed back just like in the example given.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines! Please make sure you are following the outline as AN OUTLINE ! PERSON WRITING THIS MUST BE KNOWLEDGEABLE OF US SCHOOL AND TRANFORMATIONAL AND SERVANT LEADERSHIP!

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