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Speech and power point: Introduction of some ‘live’ tutorial sessions to strengthen student/teacher communication.Introduction of some ‘live’ tutorial sessions to strengthen student/teacher communication.

This is NOT AN ESSAY. Help to rewrite this assignment, since the previous writer made them as an essay instead. This is meant to be a speech, feel free to use a first person or third person. (Please look at the example clearly and the general info attached) I have attached the writer previous work for your reference.

“This assessment requires you to write a persuasive speech. Your speech topic will be assigned by your tutor: you will write the speech for a specified audience on an issue or recommendation explored in your Assessment Two Report. Your speech will be submitted in a word document with PowerPoint slides embedded.”

Which in this case, the topic is: Introduction of some ‘live’ tutorial sessions to strengthen student/teacher communication.Introduction of some ‘live’ tutorial sessions to strengthen student/teacher communication.
Audience: Curtin Academic Board

I need 2 parts of this assignment. 1 speech and 1 power point.
The speech need to be about 500 words. (Please see the outline attached, as well as a example and some extra information)Then, need a powerpoint based on the speech; DO NOT put everything that is on the speech to power point, but summaries it.
Hence to why I put them 800 words. (500 for Speech on Words and 300 for the power point slides)I have also attached a marking guidelines for your reference to stay on track. I have attached the previous assignment report with the teacher feedback as it is kinda relate to this assignment topic.The REFERENCE is APA Style with Footnotes to identity author or sources of the material you are referencing in the report.
**Feel free to use or keep the previous writers references. Help me to fix this assignment to be a proper speech and fix the power point as well.

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