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Explain to the management team and your project team how you have determined the budget associated with project costs. How are costs aggregated? How would you explain determining cash flow for separate activities? Be specific with your responses.

At this point, you’ve organized your HR project team and you are familiar with the importance of leading and managing the project and team. It is now time to plan your project, which happens to be a large and critical part of project management. Project planning tends to be collaborative and integrative in that many factors, such as scope, resourcing, budgeting, and risk need to be considered.

Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:
-Define and discuss scope and scheduling as they each relate to project management and provide a “Statement of Importance” to your project team so they know the relevance of each task.
-Review the behavioral skills associated with project resourcing listed in the textbook at Section 9.1. and select any four (4) of the skills you consider more critical. Be sure to explain why.
-Explain to the management team and your project team how you have determined the budget associated with project costs. How are costs aggregated? How would you explain determining cash flow for separate activities? Be specific with your responses.
-Discuss at least three (3) ways the project manager is able to identify possible project risks.

Section 9.1 skills:
-Selecting the right people
-Identifying exactly what each person needs to accomplish
-Ensuring that each person has the capability needed (or develops that capability)
-Dealing with difficult individual work schedules
-Getting people to work overtime when there are schedule conflicts
-Making honest and open estimates of the amount of work required
-Assembling an effective team
-Dealing with people from diverse backgrounds
-Deciding where each person will work
-Deciding how a geographically dispersed team can work effectively and virtually

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