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Identify two barriers to delegation that might exist and suggest how you would implement processes to overcome them. 


Student Version

Task Number AT2 Task Name Case Study AND Short answer (Part B)

Section A – Assessment Information

Student Name (use full name not abbreviations or nicknames)  
Student ID  
Group Number 1.1 PATISSERIE
Unit(s) of competency

(code and title)

SITXHRM003 Lead and Manage People
Duration and/or due date Due week 8. Your lecturer will advise you of the due date and hand-in procedure for this assessment.
Task instructions
There are four assessment tasks for this unit. You must be deemed satisfactory in all tasks in order to meet Competency for this unit. Students must submit their completed assessment task/s in Engage/ Turnitin on or before the due date.

Case Study:

Sally Ann is the new manager for a boutique patisserie.  Unfortunately, the existing small team has become negative and unproductive under the previous manager.  Sally Ann decided that she would observe the operation for the first few weeks, just to see the how the business operated.  The team appeared to be busy, but the production was always less than required, despite food orders for the correct number. There was often conflict within the team as sometimes work was doubled up, or even not completed, as the staff really did not know what they should be doing.

As the weeks have progressed, Sally Ann has been working longer and longer hours. She really wants to be more organised in her approach and really wants the staff to take on more duties and responsibilities, but they have shown little initiative.  She has asked the chef de partie to do the rostering for her, but it has been a complete disaster as there were shifts left unfilled and other staff working overtime or without a day off.  Sally Ann now feels that it is just easier to do the rostering herself.

Sally Ann has decided that she has seen enough and is seeking assistance from you, a Le Cordon Bleu graduate.


Part A: Follow the instructions below to form the basis of an action plan for Sally Ann to use to begin to make a positive change to work culture in the patisserie.


1.    Explain why delegation is a critical skill for a manager.

2.    Suggest two suitable and different tasks (not rostering) which the Head chef can delegate to two other staff members.

3.    Suggest how Sally Ann might identify the most appropriate employee for each task in Question 2, and how she should delegate each task.

4.    Identify two barriers to delegation that might exist and suggest how you would implement processes to overcome them.

5.    Describe one strategy that Sally Anne could put in place to support the team in order to achieve optimum performance.

Part B: Write a one-page action plan for Sally Ann, including the specific tasks that she needs to undertake to begin to change the work culture in the patisserie.

Conditions for assessment
·         This is an individual assessment task. You must not copy the work of others.

·         This is intended as a written assessment.  Please make arrangements with your assessor at least one week prior to the assessment due date if you feel you require special allowance or allowable adjustment to this assessment (e.g. verbal assessment or additional time).

·         Students are expected to conduct further research on each topic and not only use content from the Student Learning Guide

·         References must be provided at the conclusion of the assessment

·         Please write your full name on the student version of the assessment task (do not use nicknames or abbreviations)

·         You are allowed minimal support only from your assessor e.g. asking for clarification of a question

·         You must submit your work to your assessor as per your lecturer’s instructions

·         You must answer all questions correctly to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment

·         You will be assessed as satisfactory or not satisfactory

You can appeal the assessment decision according to LCB assessment policy and procedure

Equipment/resources students must supply: Equipment/resources to be provided by the RTO or the workplace:
·         Computer

·         Internet access where required

·         Hard copies of the student version of this assessment task OR access to soft copies

·         Computer and Internet access

·         Library

Section B – Student Answer Sheet


Provide your responses in the boxes below each question
Q1: Explain why delegation is a critical skill for a manager. Satisfactory response
Yes No
ANSWER: Delegation is described as a critical skill because of the following reasons:


–       It helps to increase employee productivity at work which will help reduce employee turnover.

–       Improves Leadership skills.

–       Aids Strategic Planning at workplace

–       It provides greater efficiency through time management.

–       Helps in sharing knowledge/skill and also helps in providing special training to the employee e.g international training, sponsorship of courses / training, certificate course training or training from well-known institution.

–       It helps in getting more and better work from people, encourages their participation at the workplace and also plays a role in job enrichments.

–       It is a greater motivator at workplace as it helps in providing interesting and challenging work and giving an authority to carry out additional responsibility.

–       Sharing workload – When the manager delegates their work the load is reduced, so they will have more time for managing.

–       It helps in Succession planning – helps in training and development of promising people or the next person in line for promotion.

–       It gives a chance for improvement – by way evaluation/monitoring performances and giving feedback (preferably sandwich feedback) to the assigned employee.

Q2: Suggest two suitable and different tasks (not rostering) which the Head chef can delegate to two other staff members.


Satisfactory response
Yes No
Answer: The following are the two task the Head chef can delegate to other staff members:


·  Directing, Controlling and Supervising food preparation process and the work of subordinates in the kitchen as well as training new staff.


·  Weekly stock taking, placing orders and checking invoices on receiving the order.

Q3: Suggest how Sally Ann might identify the most appropriate employee for each task in Question 2, and how she should delegate each task. (please list detailed steps including any necessary training, timelines, resources, documentation which may be needed)


Satisfactory response
Yes No
Answer: For Sally Ann to delegate the above two ask, she needs to follow the steps.


Step 1 – Decide what to delegate: This is the first step of delegation, in this step she needs to decide which task she is going to delegate to her subordinates. She needs to differentiate between the number task she can delegate and the task she cannot delegate (task which are of high importance and need to be completed by her). Delegation also depends on succession planning, promotions or for providing training, skill, knowledge and experience to other staff members at workplace.

However, after analyses she decides to delegate the following task


TASK 1Directing, Controlling and Supervising food preparation process and the work of subordinates in the kitchen as well as training new staff.


TASK 2Weekly stock talking, placing orders and checking invoices on receiving the order


Step 2 – Decide whom to delegate: This step will help her identify the appropriate staff/employee who will be perfect option to delegate the task. This requires critical analysis in the following:

–  past and present performances of the employees

–  their skill, knowledge and work experience

–  position in the hierarchy

–  their attitude, confidence in decision making power, ability to complete the task, ability to deal with pressure, leadership qualities, communication skills.

–    She also needs to identify and understand each and every employee’s strengths and weakness before delegating them.

However, she decides to delegate:


Task 1 –  Sous chef  – The reason being he is next in line for promotion after the Head chef and needs the required delegation of task and training, also the sous chef has all the required skill, knowledge and years of work experience to complete the task successfully more than anyone else at workplace after the head chef. The above task will train the sous chef, will also help in learn and will improve his leadership and management skills.


Task 2 – Chef De PartieThe reason being he needs to take over the small responsibilities which were once the duties of the sous chef and head chef also he is line for promotion after the sous chef. Also, he needs training and understanding of the given task. These additional responsibilities will build his confidence, knowledge and work experience and he will able to train his juniors at work.


Sally Ann has delegated the task on the basis of succession planning, she has delegated the task of the head chef to the sous chef and the task of sous chef to the chef de partie (immediate successors). This will help in building their confidence, learning and work experience.


Step 3 – Delegate the task Before delegation she should discuss the importance of the task, the reasons for delegation, as well their duties and rights, to both sous chef and chef de partie. She should express clearly the work expected from them and the time frame or frequency to complete the task. She should also provide detailed briefing, explanation or any training required by them to carry on their respective task smoothly such as:

For Sous Chef

–       Controlling Food wastage by keeping check on portion size,

–       Making sure that stock is used in FIFO method and no one is using spoilt or expired ingredients.

–       making sure everyone in the kitchen are following recipes correctly and food is not overcooked, over baked or burnt.

–       Directing staff about their duties and responsibilities, what is expected from them and also leading and motivating them in the kitchen

–       Making sure workplace environment is healthy and positive, hazard free and safe. Everyone is following safety measures and correct hygiene practices.

–       Supervising food operations like quality of food and ingredients, portion size consistency, proper use of SRC, food and workplace safety, hygiene, proper garnish and presentation.

–       Making sure there are no customer complaints or dissatisfaction about food and service.

–       Training new staff towards the same.

For Chef de partie

–       Providing with list of suppliers for – diary, eggs, dry goods, chocolate, liquors etc with their telephone numbers and email Id.

–       Briefing about when to do stock taking e.g Diary and eggs everyday (at the end of day), other goods once a week.

–       Time interval for placing order, stock rotation (FIFO method) and keeping a check on expiry dates especially for dairy products or “use before dates” on some ingredients.

–       Proper storage of ingredients– dry store, cool room and freezer and temperatures.

–       Showing past records of emails and invoices so that the chef de partie gets an understanding of how to place orders and what quantity is usually ordered for each item.

–       Briefing him what to check in the invoices e.g quantity, specifications are correct, amount. Compare the purchase order list with invoices and goods received.

–       Making sure the staff reports him if certain ingredient is over so that it doesn’t hamper the mis en place or production.

–       Checking the temperature when receiving diary and checking the packaging (it should be sealed and not open).


Step 4 – Inform Others : If delegation of task involves authority over other team members it is important to make them aware of the delegation and the  powers, duties, decision making power, responsibilities also delegated, to get the support of the team and to successfully complete the task together.


Step 5 – Monitor Results:  Even though Sally Ann/ Head chef delegate task, they are still accountable, they need to monitor activities of the sous chef and chef de partie to ensure that the task has been completed correctly. This will help to provide feedback about their performance, behaviour while dealing with other team members and how they handled pressure and also address any additional training if necessary. Sandwich feedback is recommended this will help to keep them motivated and increase their performance in future.

Q4: Identify two barriers to delegation that might exist and suggest how you would implement processes to overcome them. Satisfactory response
Yes No
Answer: The two barriers to delegation are:


1.Dumping – Delegation without lack of clarity and understanding of the task(mostly unpleasant task), no proper description of duties and powers, lack of support and ignoring the delegated employee after task delegation. Dumping leads to negative and unhealthy work environment.

The following are ways to overcome:

– Giving knowledge, skill and training  to the employees this is help in achieving results, boosting their confidence and motivation. Which will result in healthy and positive work environment.

– clear communication / instructions  and making sure the employee has understood will help achieve goals and objectives and successful completion of task.

– Aim for development of the employee and workplace and not just aiming to reduce your own workload

– Engaging and supporting with deadline setting, resources and setting parameters.



2.Micromanagment – Means an over involved manager who is driving his team mad by

overseeing every small detail of the task, correcting tiny details instead of looking at the big picture, taking back delegated work before it is even finished in case of a small mistake, discouraging employees from any making decisions without consulting.  The following are ways to overcome micromanagement.

– Have a heart to heart conversation with the micromanager about what he thinks and share your thoughts.

– Volunteer to take up small task first and prove him/her your calibre

– Build confidence about your work and capacity to complete the task successful

– Work closely with the micromanager this will help him to build trust in you.

– Update them about every small detail before he even ask.

– Coach and lead others, it sends a message that you have a firm grasp and control over things

Q5: Describe one strategy that Sally Anne could put in place to support the team in order to achieve optimum performance.


Satisfactory response
Yes No
ANSWER: One strategy that Sally Ann could put in place to support the team in order to achieve optimum performance is through Team Building activities. Team building activities, workshops, trainings will help increase team cohesiveness which will help to achieve optimum performance. It will help the team to be highly committed towards the mission goals, objectives and daily targets, they will share common values and attitude, they will work towards being a successful team and feel good about their performance when it achieves the targets. This will ensure high spirit, morale and energy. They can collectively use their strengths to convert threats into opportunities. Proper training, guidance workshops, resources will help to improve their performance gap.  It will help improve their interaction skill with one another and will be able to share open and honest relationship and work towards building a stronger relationship at work this will help to eliminate negativity and conflicts and helps to solve problem faster. When the employees are happy and satisfied at their work their performances are better and they work together as a team rather than trying to compete with each other. This helps to build a better environment at work and will help in achieving the benchmark of sales, production and customer satisfaction through optimum performance. However feedback is also a way to achieve performance optimization since the employees are made aware of their weakness and strengths and how they can perform better in the future.
  Part B: Write a one-page action plan for Sally Ann, including the specific tasks that she needs to undertake to begin to change the work culture in the patisserie. (500 words)


Satisfactory response
Yes No
Answer: The following are the various task Sally Ann needs to undertake to change the work culture:


1. The very first task is to conduct various indoor and outdoor Team Building activities for her employees who have turned negative. Team building will help to bring the employee closer. They will be able to understand each other better and respect and accept each other’s differences. Team building activities will overcome the feeling of isolation. It will promote the attitude of working together effectively, their morale, high energy and team spirit. This will help make increase her team cohesiveness.


2. Another way to bring her team closer is by making sure everyone sits together and has lunch, celebrating employee’s birthdays, planning after work socials this will bring them closer and help share an open and honest relationship. This will help to reduce the conflicts at workplace.


3. Sally Ann should be a role model for her employee, someone who they can look up to at the workplace. Role model by way of – communication / interaction skills, work ethics, code of conduct, punctuality, respect for others and their values and beliefs. Being focussed on the goals and objectives, self – motivated, working hard to achieve daily benchmarks, dedication towards work, passion and hardworking etc.


4. She should set daily production and sales targets, as earlier the production was never up to the required target. Making sure these targets are understood by all. Have weekly meetings to set goals and objectives with the employees, taking their opinions and their innovative ways to achieve the goals and objectives. Making sure everyone committed towards achieving the same, they share common values and attitude and are happy when team succeeds.


5. After setting targets, her next action is to assign jobs to every employee individually and as a team. Make them aware of their responsibilities. This will help eliminate confusion, misunderstandings, duplication of work, feeling of being lost or having no direction at work. They will be able to focus on their own work and perform better individually as well as in a team.


6. Conduct trainings for employees in areas where they are weak or any other specialized training that will develop their skill/ knowledge. Provide them with all resources and equipment for them to carry on their task smoothly. Being available for them and giving them feedback when required.


7. Preparing proper rosters and making sure everyone gets proper shifts, there is no shift unfilled, no one is working overtime or without a day off.


8. Supervising their work, directing and Controlling the overall kitchen operations and making sure it is carried on smoothly. Motivating, encouraging, boosting their morale and coaching them.


9. Having weekly / fortnightly meetings to discuss issues and solving problems. Being open to suggestions and having suggestion boxes at work. Taking actions against complaints. Involving the staff in decision making process and encouraging them to come up with novel ideas.


10. Monitoring their work – establish areas that need monitoring, establish measures to monitor, compare and take the necessary action. Evaluating their performances, their strength and weakness, skill/knowledge. Delegating task and responsibility based on critical evaluation on the most suitable employee for succession planning, promotion or training.


11. Giving them feedback on their behaviour, performance, providing any necessary training for their development or improvement at workplace. Performance appraisals, awards, recognition to employees for motivation and appreciation for their contribution. This will motivate, encourage them and help increasing their performance graph. This whole process will lead to employee satisfaction at work and result in a healthy work environment and achieve optimum performance and lower staff turnover.







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