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What is happening in the external environment (past, present or future) that has, or will, affect your industry issue?How long has it been an issue? Will the issue become worse?

Assessment task 1: Journal (Individual) Objective(s): This addresses subject learning objective(s):

1, 2 and 3 Weight: 25%

Task: Your journal is your authentic self-reflection on work undertaken to date as well as submission of the

Task: Your journal is your authentic self-reflection on work undertaken to date as well as submission of the draft introduction to your industry issue. It comprises:

Draft introduction (1000 words max); list of references used so far. Draft introduction and self-reflection are to be submitted through turnitin.
You are required to write a paragraph of self-reflection on your progress that answers the following questions: Have you identified a real industry issue?; Have you found relevant information and data from academic and professional sources to address your industry issue? Have you effectively
used technical and professional skills to address the problem? Approximately 250 words. Include this on a separate page in the word document with your introduction.

Week 5: Submit your self-reflection and draft introduction to your industry issue.

Further information about each task will be provided either in class or on UTSOnline.

Length: Your self-reflection must be authentic and demonstrate an ability to self-analyse. Your introduction should be 1,000 words max.

INDUSTRY ISSUE I IDENTIFIED AND WANT YOU TO WORK ON IN EMPLOYEE TURNOVER (Employee turnover refers to the number or percentage of workers who leave an organization and are replaced by new employees.) IN HOTEL INDUSTRY IN INDIA.

Additional Gudieline:

  1. Your issue and topic reflect on a current industry issue (not one that has already been solved):
  • Why does it happen?
  • Where? Narrow the location/scope. Does it occur across the industry/in a particular country/in particular circumstances?
  • Who is impacted? Eg, is it the supplier, buyer, customer, consumer, government, community? Or a combination?
  • What policies, regulations guidelines impact your issue?
  • How long has it been an issue? Will the issue become worse?
  • What is happening in the external environment (past, present or future) that has, or will, affect your industry issue?
  1. You have a ‘human” story.
  • Why is the issue important? What industry issue does it result in? If this issue is not addressed what are the implications?
  1. You have an ‘audience’ in mind – i.e. who are you writing the industry Business Research Report for?
  2. You utilise secondary research only. Do not undertake primary research or surveys of any kind.
  3. You write a business research report – not an essay or paper.
  4. You bring forward and progress ‘ideas’ or proposals from previous semesters – (e.g. Management Research Skills).
  5. You do not use the same assignment from a previous semester.

REFERENCING MUST BE DONE IN UTS HARVARD STYLE VIA https://www.lib.uts.edu.au/help/referencing/harvard-uts-referencing-guide.


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