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Describe your target sample (e.g. size, gender, age, occupation) and whether or not participation will be individual or in a groups or online.




Table of Contents.

Title: ‘Reading to Learn: an overview of the Extensive Reading’s influences in Udine’s middle school’s students on lexicon and motivation.’

  1. Introduction……………………………………………….p. 4.
  2. Key research question(s) and/or hypothesis………………p. 4.
  3. The most significant literature in the field of the enquiry…………………………………………………….p. 9.
  4. A clear conceptual framework for the planned study………p. 10.
  5. A detailed discussion of the methodology and methods proposed for the study…………………………………………………………p. 12
  6. A justified sampling strategy………………………………..p. 13
  7. Plan including the analysis and presentation of data………..p. 14.
  8. Any ethical issues to be mitigated in your planned study – completion of the BGU ethical approval for MA dissertation…………………………p. 15.



The programs and objectives of English teaching in Italian Middle Schools appear in two formal documents, known as ‘Piano di formazione della scuola media’ and ‘Documento complementare al Piano di formazione della scuola media: Inglese’, published, respectively in 2004 and 2006. The teacher usually follows a textbook, which includes all the linguistic skills and competences to develop with the students. At the end of the ‘Terza media’, which is the equivalent of Key Stage 3, Year 9, the student can read and comprehend the critical points of topics and events concerning their experience in situational contexts (e.g school, free time, etc.) (Ufficio dell’insegnamento medio, 2006, p. 3). Because of it, the readings proposed in class are short, cover a specific theme and come from one textbook. These texts present an articulated and guided structure to match the linguistic competences and needs of the class, where students must deal with a new language. According to Scrivener (2005), reading in English represents a crucial obstacle for L2 students (p. 184). For example, the presence of an unknown lexicon leads them to the frequent use of the dictionary and, thus, interrupt the reading; other times they understand individual words but not the sentences and the overall meaning of the text (Ibid.). Therefore, this set may create frustration and boredom in the students who, therefore, avoid challenging readings by immediately rejecting them. However, an approach based on reading can also be pleasurable and beneficial in the process of EFL learning (Piano di formazione della scuola media, 2004, p. 28): for example, students learn new words by the constant exposure to linguistic inputs and expansion of lexical knowledge in a natural context, sometimes without even realising it (Hedge, 2000, p. 204; Scrivener, 2000, p. 204). In this dissertation, the aim is not to determine which method is better than the other, but how Extensive Reading, understood as an auxiliary method with the textbook, can be applied profitably to benefit students in the long term. In the choice of school type and geographical location, the research draws its principles on the need and demand for English as EFL in one specific area in Italy. The selection will fall on linguistic institutions because students learn most of the subjects in English (The Udine International School, 2014, p. 2), and Udine, the city where I grew up from the age of two to eighteen years old. In comparison to other northern cities, like Milan in Lombardia, Udine is the central province of an Italian region known as a land of emigration, with 5.221 young people

already enrolled in a foreign registry in 2014 and the advent of 107.917 foreigners in 2013 (Diario di Udine, 2015). Due to the focus on English acquisition, linguistic middle schools in Udine, ‘The Udine International School’, ‘Mills’, ‘Uccellis’, represent a solid foreground for this study: the idea is to undertake an educational path beyond the short-guided texts in the book by dealing with the continuous reading of a graded reader for three months (from September to November), where students ideally read one or two pages of a text (e.g. from English Literature) per week (Robbiani, 2007). This process may allow the construction of a broader discourse, with spontaneous analysis of grammatical themes, a punctual work on textual comprehension and the creation of a motivating experience. Therefore, this research will consider two variables: the consequences of continuous reading on the acquisition of the English language and the motivation to read English texts of the students.

Key research question(s) and/or hypothesis.

The most significant literature in the field of the enquiry.

A clear conceptual framework for the planned study.

A detailed discussion of the methodology and methods proposed for the study.

A justified sampling strategy.

Plan including the analysis and presentation of data.


Ethical Forms.


Title of the research project:             

What is the project about?

Who is the researcher?

Allegra Meroi



Bishop Grosseteste University

Contact details;

What will my participation in the research involve?

Will there be any benefits in taking part?

Will there be any risks in taking part?

If I decide not to withdraw, how can I let you know?

How will you try to make my contribution is anonymous?


Research consent form

Title of research project: ‘The pen is on the table: an overview of the academic programs applied in Italy to teach English.’

Name of researcher: Allegra Meroi

By signing below:

  1. I confirm that I have read and understood the information sheet for the above research project and have had the opportunity to ask questions. Yes.
  2. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time, without giving any Yes.
  3. I agree to take part in this research project and for the data to be used as the researcher sees fit, including publication and other forms of dissemination as appropriate. Yes.

For parents only

  1. I consent to my child(ren) being approached to see if they wish to take part.



Please answer the following questions in relation to your research project. If you answer “yes” to any of the following statements, you will need to provide fuller information about your project and outline how you have addressed any relevant ethical considerations within your relevant “Request for ethical approval” form (either form 1 or form 2).

  1. Will you encounter foreseeable risks to your physical safety as a result of undertaking the research?

YES ☐              NO x


  1. Might you encounter risks to your emotional safety (e.g. working with documents of a sensitive or distressing nature, or participants who may become distressed)?

YES ☐              NO x


  1. If you need to travel beyond your usual place of work/study to conduct your research, will there be particular risks associated with this travel?

YES ☐                  NO x


  1. If you need to work in a place which you would not normally do in order to carry out this project, will there be particular risks associated with this location?

YES ☐                  NO x


  1. Will you visit participants in their own homes?                 YES ☐                     NO  x


  1. Will you be using the internet to collect your data, recruit participants or at any other point in the research project?                                                                           YES x                         NO  ☐


(If yes, please consult relevant guidelines from your associated subject area concerning this.)


  1. Will your research explore topics that may be deemed contentious or sensitive or are linked to illegality?

YES ☐                    NO x


  1. Will you be need to address any considerations of cultural difference during your project?

YES x      NO ☐


  1. Does your project give rise to any issues related to terrorism or radicalisation?

YES ☐                  NO x


  1. Will you be at increased risk of exposure to harmful substances, e.g. chemicals, or infectious illnesses?

YES ☐               NO x


  1. Do you anticipate any challenges with controlling the dissemination of your findings, in due course?                                                                                    YES ☐                       NO x





Research Ethics Clearance Form 2

Master’s student dissertations, doctoral research projects and all staff research


Note: You must wait until you have received confirmation that you have received ethical approval in writing from the Research and Innovation Centre BEFORE commencing any data collection with human participants


Section 1. Your details


School (staff only)    
Student ID Number if applicable    
Degree for which this research is being conducted

and/or staff position at Bishop Grosseteste University

 Education with TESOL.


Supervisor allocated Yes: x No:
Name of supervisor

or Project Leader/Principal Investigator

Period during which research will be conducted (start and end date).

The start date must be later than the date of the next Research Ethics Committee meeting.



List any specific external professional codes of practice that pertain to the kind of research proposed. Integrity; Objectivity; Professional behaviour and competence; Confidentiality.  
Your Signature: I confirm that I have considered and understood the Research Ethics Policy and the ethics of completing this research project.  I confirm that I am competent to undertake this research.









Section 2. Details of proposed research study

2a. Title of study: ‘The pen is on the table: an overview of the academic programs applied in Italy to teach English.’


2b. Please write a short summary of the aims and objectives of your research, with references to appropriate literature in your field (max 250 words)
2c. Method. Where applicable, outline your method with reference to your design (e.g. quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods) and your proposed tools (e.g. questionnaires, interviews, experimental trials)
2d. Where will the study take place?
2e. Describe your target sample (e.g. size, gender, age, occupation) and whether or not participation will be individual or in a groups or online.


2f. Are any of your participants in vulnerable groups (e.g. children, individuals with learning difficulties or mental illness)?


2g. How will you approach your intended participants? E.g. in writing, by phone, in person.
2h. Is written consent to be obtained?

If yes, please complete the standard Consent Form and attach to this documentation.

If no, please state why.


Section 3. Risk and ethical procedures

Please note – all studies with human participants have the potential to create a level of risk. You are fully responsible for their protection. Please try to anticipate the context and perspective of your participants when completing this section as well as a duty of care to yourself as a researcher.


First, complete the “Risk assessment: ethics application form” and attach it to this sheet.

3a. List here the item numbers for each of the risks you have ticked ‘yes’ to and state how you intend to minimize that risk.
3b. How might participants benefit from taking part in this research?
3c. Does your study require that participants are naïve? (i.e. They are not given the exact aims of the research) If yes, please explain why and give details of debriefing procedures.
3d. Every potential participant must be given a written INFORMATION SHEET giving details about the research. This is in addition to the consent form. Please add a copy of both to this form before submitting your documentation.




Section 4. Data – Confidentiality and anonymity

4a. Where and how do you intend to store any data collected from this research?
4b. Under Data Protection regulations (e.g. data is stored securely and is not accessible or interpretable by individuals outside of the project), give details of steps you will take to ensure the security of any data you collect.


I am not going to share it with any other person around me and changed my laptop password in case someone wants to open it and read the data.

4c. What steps will you take to safeguard the confidentiality of personal records?

I am going to agree with each candidate what they want or do not want to share in advance. If during the process, they change idea it will always be accepted as others might have other perspective of the Italian methods applied in school and they also must be respected.

I am not going to mention individual names and, whether required, personal information such as their geographical location or name of the institution where they previously studied (there will be words such as students or candidates and numbers instead of names).

4d. Will this research require the use of any of the following, subject to participants’ consent?

–  video recordings                        Yes/No x

–  audio recording                           Yes/No  x

–  observation of participants?  Yes x /No


If yes, please detail how you will safeguard the data?

I am making sure that there will be the supervision of a teacher (or teacher’s assistant during the class) and that all the data will be stored on my laptop and will not be shared around, even if someone else wants to use this data for their dissertation.


Section 5. Comments of Supervisor or Principal Investigator (where appropriate)

All students MUST have this section completed by their supervisor before submitting to the Research Ethics Committee. Incomplete forms will not be considered. This is not authorization to commence the study.




Please ensure that you have attached and completed the following as applications will not be processed if any documents are missing. All sections, especially participant facing materials must be carefully proof-read.

Document or relevant section Included
Section 5. Comments of Supervisor or Principal Investigator if applicable: This MUST be included if you are a student Yes
Risk assessment form Yes
Participant information sheet(s) Yes
Participant consent form(s) Yes


Your supervisor may also ask you to attach any draft interview, questionnaire or observation protocols or other participant-facing materials.

Please submit to the Research Administrative Assistant, Ellie Foster, at ellie.foster@bishopg.ac.uk for forwarding to members of the Research Ethics Committee.

Outcome of the Research Ethics Committee:

Please indicate which of these options is to be followed by placing a tick in the appropriate box(es), following review of the application by members of the committee.

Sent to reviewers on the committee  
Chair’s action taken in lieu of reviewers  
Amendments sent back to applicant  
Inform the applicant that ethical clearance is not granted  
Grant ethical clearance  


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