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What activities has the subsidiary engaged in after the acquisition? You need to discuss it in relation to the value chain activities, and to discuss how the affiliate contributes to the parent company’s global value chain.

Literature review:

This section can be substantially improved.

You need to include some subsection titles which can improve the structure.

There is a large literature on developing country multinational enterprises which you need to review and discuss.

It would be useful to also review some literature on FSA (firm-specific advantages) and CSA (country-specific advantages), and to discuss how developing country multinational enterprises benefit from these advantages.

You have mentioned the role of knowledge seeking. There is an extensive literature on knowledge seeking and innovation performance, which you can review and discuss.

You have also mentioned the entry mode literature. There is a need to discuss more about how the transaction cost theory and institutional theory affect the entry mode choice.

It would be useful to include more literature discussions on the location choice of foreign direct investment FDI, the geographical diversification and Uppsala Internationalization process model.

It would be useful to cite and discuss a few more recent literature.

Internationalization process:

This part should be substantially revised.

It is important to review the research project introductory slide page 15 which outlines a number of questions you need to address in internationalization process section.

You need to present the detailed process of Geely company’s internationalization, not just describing its acquisition of Volvo.   Where are the foreign affiliates and when were these affiliates established, and what does each foreign affiliate do? What’s the entry mode of each affiliate, and who are the partners?   If there are too many affiliates, you can choose a few (e.g., 20) affiliates which are representative for Geely company’s foreign direct investment.

You also need to select the various countries in which Geely has established foreign affiliates, and to compare these countries on the basis of their country-level indicators such as GDP per capita growth, market size, culture similarities, etc.  If Geely company has invested in too many countries, you can select some representative countries, and these countries should be those who have received a significant amount of investments from Geely.


Case study:

It is important to review the research project introductory slide page 16 which outlines a number of questions you need to address in case study section.

In this section, you have shown some analytical skills in using some research framework such as PEST (political, economic, social and technological) and SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities and threats) models to explore why Geeley acquires Volvo.  Discussions relating to PEST and SWOT are too much which you can make them brief.

You need to discuss the following aspects in more detail and in an explicit way.  Although you have discussed some of them in your case study, you need to discuss them in more detail and add some subsection titles. Adding some subsection titles can improve the structure of the project.

What activities has the subsidiary engaged in after the acquisition? You need to discuss it in relation to the value chain activities, and to discuss how the affiliate contributes to the parent company’s global value chain.

How does this case study fit with the overall internationalization strategy of the firm?  You need to review the internationalization strategy of Geely, and explain how Geely’s acquisition of Volvo fits to the overall internationalization strategy of the firm.

Are there FDI restrictions in the host country and how does Geely deal with these restrictions?

In addition, figures/graphs should be in English for this research project.


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