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Evaluate whether the new call time meets customer specification.Is the call center now meeting the customer specifications? If not where is the specification not being met? Explain your answers.

Using the New Call Center Data, provide a summary report for the vice president including the following information in an essay with a minimum of 500 words:

Using the two-sample hypothesis test comparing old call time to new call time at a .05 level of significance, discuss the hypothesis test assumptions and tests used. Provide the test statistic and p-value in your response. Evaluate the results of the hypothesis test with the scenario. Provide recommendations for the vice president.
Using new call time and coded quality, develop a prediction equation for new call time. Evaluate the model and discuss the coefficient of determination, significance, and use the prediction equation to predict a call time if there is a defect.
Evaluate whether the new call time meets customer specification. As stated in a previous lesson, customers indicated they did not want a call time longer than 7.5 minutes. Assume a standard deviation of 2 min is acceptable. Is the call center now meeting the customer specifications? If not where is the specification not being met? Explain your answers.

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