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How do you think occupational therapists can empower individuals with disabilities to play a bigger role in design in today’s society?

Watch the following videos on youtube and respond to the questions based on the videos

X-box adaptive controller

Letting imaginations run wild with dots and dashes

Tania’s Story: Morse code meets machine learning

assignment will focus on the videos and podcast that you have watched from the above links.
Please respond to the following prompts
• What role do you think occupational therapists can play with the design process?
• How do you think the stigma of disability has impacted design in today’s society?
• How do you think occupational therapists can empower individuals with disabilities to play a bigger role in design in today’s society?
• Research and describe 1 example of an adaptive design (Provide Link)
o What is the product or adaptation?
o What occupation does this address?
o Was there an incorporation of the disability community?
o Did an occupational therapist play a role? (i.e. xbox controller)

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