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Identify and define a management problem that affects the aviation industry.  Identify and define aviation management theories, concepts, and practices that relate to the identified problem and possible solutions to the problem.


Identify and define a management problem that affects the aviation industry.  Identify and define aviation management theories, concepts, and practices that relate to the identified problem and possible solutions to the problem.  Include a bibliography consisting of a minimum of ten (10) research resources dated January 2017 or newer that identifies the problem and the relevant theories, concepts and practices.


This project should represent a culmination of your aviation management studies.  At this point you should have either completed or are enrolled in all required major course work.  Managers must deal with and resolve problems that impact their area of responsibility.  In selecting your problem, or topic, think in terms of your career goals and interests in aviation management.  As a manager in your chosen career field, what problem are you likely to be faced with?  What can you derive from your studies that can be applied to resolve this problem?


This is not a current-issues course.  The problem may or may not be related to a current issue.  If it is related to a current issue, you will need to identify and define the issue.  However, the assignment is to identify, define, and propose a possible resolution to a management problem.  A current issue may impose one or more problems on a manager.  Those problems usually involve aspects of dealing with an issue such as personnel, marketing, operational procedures, safety, fiscal, legal, supervisory, and so forth.


As you should have learned by now, your field of study includes a very wide range of research resources.  You are expected to make use of multiple research resources in completing this course.


Complete this assignment by first identifying and defining a management problem.  In a single paragraph succinctly define the problem.  This will become the problem statement you will use for your comprehensive research paper (assignment #3).


Secondly, in a single paragraph identify and define the relevant management theories, concepts, and practices that apply to this problem.


Next, in a single paragraph propose a possible resolution of the problem.


Finally, include a bibliography consisting of a minimum of ten (10) resources that apply to this problem.  Your references need to be current (January 2017 or newer).  Do not include materials that were published prior to January 2017 unless you provide specific justification for doing so.  If your problem is based on a current issue, then you must include references dated June 2017 or newer to identify and define the issue.  Do not confine your references to textbook materials.  References provided in the bibliography are not required to be cited in the text.



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