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Describe at least three operations quality management methods, principles, or techniques experienced in the Quality Management Simulation.

Operations Quality Management Common Instructions
Access the Pearson MyOMLab per the instructions provided in the course syllabus. Carefully review the simulation’s introductory information and instructions, as well as the information in the OM Simulation Descriptions and Implementation Tips, linked below. After completing the simulation, capture a screen image of your final simulation results, which are to be included in your Critical Thinking Assignment.
The Operations Quality Management assignment content must include the following:
2.1 Introduction: Explain the purpose or thesis of the paper and explain how the body of the paper is arranged to support the purpose of the paper.
2.2 Provide a brief definition of operations quality management and identify why it is important in an organization’s operations
2.3 Provide a brief overview description of the Quality Management Simulation including the targeted goals of the simulation.
2.4 Describe specifics about the model or approach used as the basis for your strategy in performing the Quality Management Simulation; in an appendix, include an illustrated (worked-out) example of a formula, calculation, or technique developed as a central part of your Quality Management Simulation strategy.
2.5 Describe at least three operations quality management methods, principles, or techniques experienced in the Quality Management Simulation.
2.6 Clearly describe your simulation results and indicate how well they met the targeted simulation goals.
2.7 Itemize at least three lessons learned from the Quality Management Simulation and describe how this understanding is important for a career in operations management.
2.8 Conclusion should present a recap of key points and summary of main emphasis without repeating verbatim and exclusive of new information.
2.9 References should include at least two current scholarly references (published within the past five years) in addition to the course text.
2.10 Appendices:
2.10.1 Illustrated (worked-out) Quality Management example.
2.10.2 Quality Management Simulation results including the rubric evaluation metrics (i.e. Profit).

Option #1: Operations Quality Management Paper
This Critical Thinking Assignment option consists of two activities: (1) Performing the Pearson MyOMLab Quality Management Simulation and (2) a written Operations Management Quality paper.

Your written Operations Management Quality Management paper must contain titled sections corresponding to the content requirements designated in the Operations Management Quality Management Common Instructions section above. Additionally, your paper must be formatted in conformance with the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.). Consult the Sample Paper (Links to an external site.) template for more information on how to organize the paper.

The length of the paper, in addition to the title and reference pages, should be four to five pages. Please write clearly, concisely, and cohesively.

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