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Critically review and appraise relevant research, clinical guidelines and other types of evidence related to your quality improvement clinical scenario to justify why your quality improvement proposal is needed. 

Intro 300 Words -Introduction – select an area of quality improvement, I have chosen Nurse Safety in Acute mental health unit setting in the ACT

-Theres is increasingly violence and aggression towards nurses in MHU across Australia. E.g https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-09-26/nurse-allegedly-assaulted-at-canberra-mental-health-unit/10306604

– I propose to implement a new 2 staff nurse ratio. Nursing staff will not be allowed to attend patients on their own.

-Nurses have a legal right to work in a safe environment.


The main body of 2000 words should address the following areas in your quality improvement project proposal, drawing on the key concepts you have explored within the unit material.

  1. Critically review and appraise relevant research, clinical guidelines and other types of evidence related to your quality improvement clinical scenario to justify why your quality improvement proposal is needed.

-Evidence of violence and aggression against nursing staff in MHU, negative effects on nurses, High staff turnover, Psychological heath etc

-Evidence supporting 2 staff nurse ratios, Decrease in violence and aggresion, Increase nurse Safety, Increase in nurse confidence to engage with consumers, Increase in therapeutic care


  1. Identify and apply a service improvement framework to your quality improvement proposal, for example the Plan, Do, Study, Act model. Plan and Do will be more in depth Study and Act would be hypothetical.


-planned implementation 2 nurse ratio

-I would  like to look back retrospectively, on the number of incidents and near misses in the MHU. I would then gather data from main stakeholders (Nurses, EN, AIN, etc). using a work safety scale to create a baseline it has been used in this study. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5584653/pdf/bjporcpsych005280.pdf

-This would be repeated throughout implementation to assess results

– then predict what will happen once I have started this implementation. I believe staff resistance will be main barrier, manpower, time, etc


Test the idea, Start small, Document unexpected problems, Assess data collected, incident report etc


Complete Analysis of data, compare to predictions, summarize what was learned


-What changes are to be made, continue cycle.


  1. Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of leadership and management concepts required for the successful implementation of your proposed quality improvement project to enhance quality patient care.  Discuss who your core change team might be, apply change management principles and detail what type of leadership you would use to ensure the success of your project.
  2. Critically appraise your quality improvement project in relation to your profession.



Conclusion: summarise the elements discussed in the essay and briefly reflect on your learning from undertaking this unit.




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