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Explain how Texas demographics and voter distribution will hurt or help your chosen candidate in 2020, and also explain how these factors will hurt or help the opponent.

Voter distribution and demographics in Texas – how “red,” “blue,” or “purple” the state is (meaning how much does it currently lean Republican or Democratic, or is it fairly evenly split?) – and how Texas demographics and voter distribution are affecting Texas politics. Explain how Texas demographics and voter distribution will hurt or help your chosen candidate in 2020, and also explain how these factors will hurt or help the opponent. • What issues do Texans most care about? Given the political climate and concerns of Texans, how should your chosen candidate address these issues and how closely should he or she follow official Republican or Democratic party positions? Why? In your analysis, be sure to consider how the opponent will also address the issues Texans most care about. • What interest groups or political action committees operate in Texas and might impact the 2020 US Senatorial election? What is your chosen candidate’s position on accepting political action committee money, and will this hurt or help your candidate? Why or why not?

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