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Provide a representative list of scholarship and research findings that support and clarify the main assertions in the problem statement, highlighting their relationship to the topic.

These should be from peer-reviewed journal sources, presented in APA format, and provide evidence to support the existence of the gap in practice. Also a Reference list please read the following… Please see attached to add to this section. Remember that everything needs to support and clarify the problem statement.

Provide a representative list of scholarship and research findings that support and clarify the main assertions in the problem statement, highlighting their relationship to the topic, for example, “this variable was studied with a similar sample by Smith (2017) and Johnson (2016)” or “Jones’s (2017) examination of campus leaders showed similar trends.” Some of these resources may have already been mentioned in the first sections of the prospectus and can be included here as well. Citations provided within the prospectus document should include approximately 15 recent (within the past 4 years) peer-reviewed journal sources, presented in APA sixth edition format, as well as any evidence provided to support the existence of the local problem.

Examples of lit review I need 15 done like this; Please use 15 NEW peer-reviewed journal sources, They need to explain why just like below in the example. Then also a reference page of all 15… again please make sure they are in the past 4 years….
Background Literature;
Selected articles relating to doctoral education and the process of learning to be a researcher are described here:
1. Baltes et al. (2010) and Bieschke (2006) provided information on research self-efficacy, which has been shown as a key predictor of the future research of doctoral students.
2. Gelso (2006), Holmes (2009), Hilliard (2013), and Kim and Karau (2009) provided different views of strategies to support the development of scholar-practitioners during the capstone experience.

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