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Critically evaluate the link between their organisational strategies, HRM strategies and business performance.

Select two different organisations operating in the same sector e.g. British Airways and Ryanair.

Compare and contrast key aspects of their HRM strategies from the perspective of ‘fit’ with their current and emerging contexts.

Critically evaluate the link between their organisational strategies, HRM strategies and business performance.

Using theoretical concepts and analytical tools and frameworks explored in the programme illustrate what your analysis has highlighted and make and justify a key recommendation for each organisation.

Chris Essay Structure -2,500-3000


  • The two companies I will be comparing – Air Mauritius vs British Airways
  • Why you chosen the two companies
  1. Use the draft of the one you did before
  2. As part of your introduction you should justify your choice in terms of why you are interested in the sector.
  3. At the close of your introduction you should state your main sources of data and how they were accessed e.g. Annual Report, accessed via www


  • go into theories –
  • Week 1- what makes organisations different from each other,
  • In what ways do organisations differ?
  • Activity/service offered/sector/markets
  • Size: Number of employees

small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) is any business with fewer than 250 employees. There were 5.2 million SMEs in the UK in 2014, which was over 99% of all business. Micro-businesses are business with 0-9 employees.

  • Size: Revenue/turnover
  • Structure & geographical location/markets
  • Funding
  • Governance
  • Purpose/raison d’etre


  • The 7 S’s – what to analyse and evaluate


The organisation chart, committees, project teams, ‘matrix’ structure


What products, which markets, how to compete – clear logic and support for vision & mission?


Technical systems at operational level (e.g. MRP, JIT, TQM etc) and within admin (e.g. MIS accounting, personnel etc)


The things that the organisation does well (core competences & distinctive capabilities)


Enough of them; the right ones; key names


Management styles

Shared Vision:

Guiding beliefs – behaviours, norms, values, assumptions…aka culture


  • week 3 what is strategic HRM
  • Week 5
  • Week 6
  • Week 7
  • Week 8
  • Week 9- defo use something in there it said something lmao

Compare and contrast organisational strategies

Compare and contrast HRM strategies

Compare and contrast business performance strategies






The two companies I will be comparing – Etihad Airways vs British Airways

Why you chosen the two companies

Planning what to write in each paragraph

Paragraph 1- Introduction- kinda done

Paragraph 2-

  • What does your organisation want to achieve in the next 2-5 years?’
  • To achieve this, what do we need from our people?

High commitment, high performance or high involvement (3 approaches to achieve these)

Ask ‘How do we as HRM people want to achieve this?’

3 different types of strategy (Best Practice, Best Fit, RBV)


What is SHRM( strategic Human Resource Management) talk about Vertical Integration and Horizontal Integration)


compare and contrast key aspects of their HRM strategies from the persepective of ‘Fit” (SHRM CONCEPT THEORY SO VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION)  with their current and emerging context.

Compare and contrast key aspects of their HRM strategies from the perspective of ‘fit’ with their current and emerging contexts. ·         Compare = similarities

·         Contrast = differences

·         Key = 1 ideally, 2 possibly, absolutely no more than 3

·         Current and emerging context – what is happening in the sector…. What is happening in the economy that these organisations need to respond to?

·         ‘fit’ is a SHRM concept – include some theory


Critically evaluate the link between their organisational strategies, HRM strategies and business performance. ·         Critically evaluate wants you to make a judgement on whether there is any evidence of a link between the HRM activity, what the organisation is seeking to achieve and what the organisation is achieving?

·         …’It appears that there is a clear/strong link, and here is my evidence or reason for saying this…..

·         ‘On the basis of my evidence, …….’



Organization strategy– HRM strategy, the aspects – are they integrated (linked) with each other.

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