Elect an ethical issue related to/involving nursing informatics that you have observed, experienced, or researched.
Review the grading rubric BEFORE continuing with the assignment.
Follow these steps:
Refer to the the Ethical Model for Decision-Making on pages 89-91 (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018).
Review the literature and cite a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed articles. Additional references may include your textbook and websites from the list of Informatics websites provided in the Resources.
Submit a written paper and include a cover page and a reference page (Use APA format)
Use headings noted below
Maximum 1000 words not including the cover page and reference page. Refer to the rubric for additional information.
The written assignment should include the following headings and content:
Examine the Ethical Dilemma: What is the purpose for choosing this topic? Describe the background for this ethical issue related to nursing informatics.
Literature Review: Thoroughly comprehend the possible alternatives. Discuss the literature review and provide a summary identifying at least 2 alternatives of the ethical issue as it relates to nursing informatics. Hypothesize ethical arguments
Implication to Nursing Practice and Informatics: Investigate, compare, and evaluate the arguments for each alternative. Discuss the implications of the ethical issue and the identified alternatives to nursing practice and informatics.
Application: Choose the alternative you would recommend. Discuss why this topic applies to your role as a nurse leader/nurse educator.
Formulate the Plan: Act on your chosen alternative. Describe the plan and how the plan would be implemented?