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Provide a rationale for the proposed solution. Include how the solution might support the success for all students, support the mission and vision of the school, and safety, democracy, and equity for students and staff.

Case Analysis Framework

Use the following outline to inform assignments involving case studies.

  1. Describe the case scenario based on information provided.
  2. What additional information is needed to inform the scenario?
  3. Identify additional aspects of the case that might influence a decision.
  4. Identify legal rulings to consider in making a decision.

5.Identify district policy that might effect a decision.

  1. Identify possible stakeholders involved in the decision making.
  2. Identify possible solutions to the case.
  3. Identify priority of possible actions.
  4. Identify a timeline to implement possible solutions.
  5. Provide a rationale for the proposed solution. Include how the solution might support the success for all students, support the mission and vision of the school, and safety, democracy, and equity for students and staff.


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