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Describe the background of the scenario and provide an overview of the project. (I have attached a document – Ex TIGER STONE, which is the project that should be used)

Introduction (15%)
• Describe the background of the scenario and provide an overview of the project. (I have attached a document – Ex TIGER STONE, which is the project that should be used)
• Describe the problem / opportunity, which needs to be addressed.
• Why is the problem / opportunity important? – Statistics; observations; experiences; research findings.
• How does the project address the above issue? Explain and justify.
• What are the project goals and major tasks?

Theoretical approaches to managing the project (20%)
• Draw on academic and/or practitioner articles to discuss the concepts, theories, frameworks or approaches you have selected to plan, develop and manage the project. Provide overviews of the chosen concepts, theories, frameworks or approaches and explain their importance in the project and how you apply them to the project. (e.g. Triple constraints (The consideration of cost time scope), Stakeholder management (Importance of stakeholders in the project)).

Project management document package (40%)
• The following documents must be compiled and attached as Appendix’s, with information about the documents in the essay.
These should include:
a) Stakeholder power / interest matrix.
b) Stakeholders communication plan.
c) Statement of work.
d) Work breakdown structure.
e) Responsibility assignment matrix.
f) Activity based budget plan.
g) Network activity diagram.
h) Gantt chart (Using MS Project)
i) Risk assessment matrix.
j) Risk register.

Critical appraisal of project management documents (20%)
• Critically appraise four project management documents you have developed during the project. (i.e, usefulness / relevance)
• The appraisal should be critical, with regards to its usefulness, relevance or legitimacy.
• The appraisal should also be contextualized and not generic. It should be built upon the characteristics of the project, the team, the organisation, structure/culture, etc.

Self-reflection (5%)
• Discuss your learning in this module and impact on your personal development.

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