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How was this impact (or lack of it) different for your parents or grandparents? What changes do you envision for the next generation? Have you ever experienced being stereotyped because of your race or ethnicity? If yes, how? If no, why?

Our racial and ethnic identities significantly contribute to shaping our identities as individuals in society more broadly. Generally, people are born into a race and ethnicity and these identities can integrally shape our social interactions and experiences of the world. However, how extensively our racial and ethnic identities affect our daily lives varies significantly.
For this journal assignment you will trace your own racial and ethnic biography and explore how these identities have shaped you and your experiences. Please reflect on the following questions in two to three pages:
What is your race and your ethnicity? Are your parents the same racial and the same ethnic group? If applicable, are your brothers and sisters the same racial and ethnic group too?
Did your parents or family discuss your race and/or ethnicity with you while you were growing up? What can you recall about these conversations? If these conversations did not occur, why do you think that is?
Are you aware of your race and/or ethnicity daily?
If yes, how does race and/or ethnicity affect your daily life? If no, for what reasons do you believe this?
How was this impact (or lack of it) different for your parents or grandparents? What changes do you envision for the next generation?
Have you ever experienced being stereotyped because of your race or ethnicity? If yes, how? If no, why?
Background on me
My race is African American
Ethnicity – AA, Cherokee Indian, Caucasian, with a sprinkle of Eastern Europe
Parents are the same
no siblings
race was discussed when younger

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