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What are the structural or key points that need to be included in the interview guide so that it is consistent with theapproach?

Interview Guide Worksheet.

1.Restate the RQ, and define the phenomenon ofinterest.

2.Review your literature on the phenomena ofinterest.

•Identify recurring patterns, conflicting ideas, or uniquefindings•Choose 3 to 5 of these as potential topics for developingquestions

•Identify keywords and phrases that will form the basis of your questions.

3.Review your theoretical/conceptualframework

•Identify 3 to 5 concepts or assumptions that are fundamental to the framework

•Identify keywords and phrases that will form the basis of your questions.

4.Review methodological sources of yourapproach.

• What are the structural or key points that need to be included in the interview guide so that it is consistent with theapproach?

5.Arrange the literature topics, framework concepts and methodological points into beginning, middle and end ofinterview.

6.Modify each concept so that it becomes an open-ended question. Use these guidelines as well as Patton’s examples (Chapter 7) to make surethe phenomenon of interest is thoroughlyinvestigated.•Make every questionopen-ended.

• Make every question neutral. Avoid leading questions, andavoidusingwords that direct how the participant shouldanswer.

• Ask only one question at atime.

• Make sure that the content of the question is consistent with the participant’s level of education .Review methodologicalandculture.

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