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History of the disease: Briefly mention the how prevalent this disease has been in the U.S & around the world in the past, what treatments were available and how the disease has affected the human population.

The paper should discuss a diseases relating to the organ systems discussed in this course (A&P-II). The paper should contain information researched from peer reviewed journals and other reputable journals (available via the electronic databases accessible through the library web site). The information presented here should be a summary of your readings.  Verbatim reproduction of information from your sources will result in a grade of 0 for the paper and an F in the course (irrespective of whether it is a few sentence or several paragraph).  Also, using only a few sources excessively and not using other sources adequately, will result in loss of points.

  1. For ease in grading and for the sake of uniformity the paper should be in font size 11 and use Times New Roman font. There should be 1.5 spacing between sentences.


  1. History of the disease: briefly mention the how prevalent this disease has been in the U.S

& around the world in the past, what treatments were available and how the disease has affected the human population.

  1. Symptoms and causes: the main identifying traits associated with the disease and what are the cause for the disease.  This can be elaborate in the next section on ‘physiological effects of the disease’.
  1.   Physiological effects of the disease at the cellular, tissue and organ system.  What mechanisms fail at the cellular level that disrupts homeostasis?  What are the effects on the body as a result of this disease at the tissue and organ level?  The discussion here should involve an account of how the disruption in the functioning of the organs and tissues in the specific system you are researching, affect other systems.
  1. Treatment(s) available and any side effect and/or drawbacks associated with each kind of treatment.  Treatments should be discussed as to how it affects cellular processes as well as the function of the affected tissue and/or organ(s).  In discussing the treatment options make sure to include a discussion on how it affects aspects of the metabolism other than the affected organ.
  1. An account of the cutting edge research and the direction in which treatment(s) for the disease are headed should be included.  The paper should also include a brief summary of your conclusion of your research.  You should surmise the main points of your paper here.  Please refer to the grading grid for a detailed list of topics to be included here.
  1. Minimum of 12 sources of reference – 8 should be from scientific journals with at least 2 of the articles from peer reviewed journals; the rest can be from encyclopedias and ‘good’ web sites). The course textbook should not be cited as a reference.
  1. Use all the references materials adequately. Do not use one or two papers exclusively as a source of information for your research paper.  This includes the peer-reviewed journals (refer to the grading grid for point allocation on this requirement).
  1. Include a original table to summarize and analyze your research findings. Relevant pictures should also be included.  Please do not use pictures and tables that do not contribute significantly to the topic of discussion (as space fillers).
  1. Your final submission should be typed, edited at The Wright Place for grammatical accuracy and written using either APA or MLA format (APA preferred). All pages should be stapled.  A brad folder with 3 holes may be used as well.  The front of the folder should be clear.  No hardbound folders will be accepted.
  1. Use tabs for the various sections – Research section; work cited; grading rubric; rough draft (include all of this in the final submission). Staple the attendance card for the “Writing a Scientific Paper” seminar to your grading rubric
  1. Your research section (minus the work cited section) should be submitted to Turnitin.com. Make sure to submit your final version on the date requested.  There will be no chance for a second submission, so make sure you are submitting the correct version of your paper.  If the research section of your paper is not submitted to Turnitin, your paper will not be graded and a grade of 0 will be assigned to your paper.

A few useful websites:

Purdue Owl : https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/ (for citation and formatting information)

Center for Disease Control:  www.cdc.gov

National Library of Medicine/PubMed: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PubMed/

OncoLink:  http:///www.oncolink.org/

Texas Cancer Data Center:  http://www.tcdc.uth.tmc.edu/

American Cancer Society: http://www.cancer.org/index.html

Journal of American Medical Association: http://jama.ama-assn.org/contents-by-date.0.shtml


Google Scholar

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