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Present the Capstone Experience Issue Resolution/Summary assignment; include the evidence relevant to your problem or concern and the expected outcomes. If appropriate, add tables and figures that visually illustrate the resolution and provide clarity.

Present the Capstone Experience Issue Resolution/Summary assignment; include the evidence relevant to your problem or concern and the expected outcomes. If appropriate, add tables and figures that visually illustrate the resolution and provide clarity. Write a summary of the problem or concern that demonstrates the following.

Evidence-based solution to the identified problem or concern; anticipated outcomes if appropriate
Identification and inclusion of a change theory
Comprehensive and measurable plan, including metrics
Use of new modalities of scholarship (i.e., simulation, telehealth, mobile devices, if applicable)
Integration of knowledge from core and NI track program courses that apply to concept

The topic is about pain assessment and reassessment. you can referred back to the previous paper you did for me.

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