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Choose three days, including two weekdays and one weekend day as close together as possible, and write down everything that you eat and drink and the quantity in common household measurements.

Complete a 3 Day Food Diary. Choose three days, including two weekdays and one weekend day as close together as possible, and write down everything that you eat and drink and the quantity in common household measurements. Try to eat as normal as possible these days. (You will not be graded on how healthy your […]

Provide a comprehensive plan for the project to a potential funder. Write in a manner that will convince a funding body that your Complementary Medicine (Nutrition) project has the potential to be is a sound and worthwhile investment.

The context of writing the project plan is to apply for funding. This Project Plan is the second phase of an application process where you provide a comprehensive plan for the project to a potential funder. You need to write in a manner that will convince a funding body that your Complementary Medicine (Nutrition) project […]

How Much Macronutrients and In What Proportion Should we Consume them (Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids and Water). -How Much Micronutrients should we consume(Vitamins and Minerals)

-How Much Macronutrients and In What Proportion Should we Consume them (Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids and Water). -How Much Micronutrients should we consume(Vitamins and Minerals) -Suggestions for good/ideal foods to eat -When should we be eating (timing/schedule) -There is minumum 3 resources needed but if its possible it would be nice to have more. More instructions […]

Determine any potential ethical standard violation in recommending one insulin pump over another.

The purpose of this research is to determine how dietitian-diabetes educators determine insulin pump recommendations. Research Aims • Establish a relationship on recommendation of insulin pump between dietitian-diabetes educators without Type 1 Diabetes and educators with Type 1 Diabetes. • Determine any potential ethical standard violation in recommending one insulin pump over another. • Determine […]

Did your client ask questions that you did not answer? If so, how did you handle the question? Did you experience any challenges in collecting anthropometric measurements?

reflect on your progress in using your nutrition assessments tool. Your post should be 2-3 paragraphs long and answer the following questions: Did you have to change your form and if so, in what ways? Did your client ask questions that you did not answer? If so, how did you handle the question? Did you […]

.Reflect and write about a situation that occurred within the ward setting while on clinical practicum.

NSG3NRC Assessment 3 Guidelines Page 1of 4Assessment 3 Guidelines 2,000wordsequivalent40%ofthesubjectgradeBackgroundIn many graduate nurse programs new graduates are required to complete a clinical project related to change or innovation in clinical practice. That may mean reviewing and researching an area of clinical practice in the ward that requires improvement, or an area where practice in the […]

Describe the conditions under which this plan would be activated and who would be responsible and have the authority for the activation.

Activation Instructions [Describe the conditions under which this plan would be activated and who would be responsible and have the authority for the activation] Introduction [Give the mission of the organization; describe the purpose for the plan; explain under what circumstances it would be activated; explain how the plan will be used by the organization; […]

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