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Do you think Mark’s team regards him as a leader? Why or why not? Assume that you have been appointed as the new sales manager for the housing company. What would you do to be seen as a leader?

Mark is a sales manager of a housing company. As the company prepares to launch a large scale state of the art residential apartment, plans have been made to carry out an ambitious 72 hours sales initiative, where the sales agent of Mark’s team will take turns and take positions at various locations in the […]

Write a memo describing the search for a funder for an identified agency. Set the context and describe the agency, the population it serves, and the problem the agency seeks to address.

Write a memo describing the search for a funder for an identified agency. First, set the context and describe the agency, the population it serves, and the problem the agency seeks to address. Next, explain your process of identifying potential funders. The main body of the memo should include a summary of at least three […]

What use can I make of this? How will this influence my research/essay/dissertation? How are their findings/conclusions relevant to what you want to find out?

Select and read two educational research papers with two contrasting research methodologies (e.g. one paper may engage solely with qualitative methodologies the other quantitative methodologies; one may use case studies, the other ethnography etc.). The essay will provide an assessment of the aims of the papers and how these methodologies were used to meet these […]

How does public speaking anxiety manifest to you? How can you manage public speaking anxiety? What evidence should you use to support your claims? What type of evidence should you avoid?

How can you select a topic that is right for you and your audience? Where can you find supporting information. question 2 What evidence should you use to support your claims? What type of evidence should you avoid? question3 How does public speaking anxiety manifest to you? How can you manage public speaking anxiety? question […]

What specific methods would you implement for data collection and analysis? What type of data would you need to tackle the research question(s)?

In approximately 350 words, explain how your research ideas could take the shape of a quantitative research project. In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions: What specific methods would you implement for data collection and analysis? What type of data would you need to tackle the research question(s)? What are the strengths […]

How has your understanding of academic research and your own ability to conduct research developed? How will you apply what you have learnt so far when conducting future research?

Write a critically reflective paper (350 words) considering the following: How has the information that you have discussed in class, researched and read helped you to understand the practice of academic research and the type of research skills that you have developed over your previous modules? Have your ideas and views of academic research changed? […]

What specific methods would you implement for data collection and analysis? What type of data would you need to tackle the research question(s)?

In approximately 350 words, explain how your research ideas could take the shape of a quantitative research project. In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions: What specific methods would you implement for data collection and analysis? What type of data would you need to tackle the research question(s)? What are the strengths […]

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