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Is there anything you would add to the remarks that McRaven makes in relation to these points? Do you regard any parts of McRaven’s speech as puzzling, dubious, or false? If so, which parts do you find problematic, and why?

McRaven’s Advice on Living a Good Life and Making the World Better This discussion assignment relates to Admiral McRaven’s Commencement Speech delivered at the University of Texas. In his speech, McRaven gives ten pieces of advice based on lessons he learned during Navy SEAL training. His hope is that his advice will help us both […]

Prepare a presentation and speech to present at the commencement ceremony describing who you want to be as you look forward on your journey.

Imagine, you have just completed your CSU-Global coursework and are planning to attend commencement in Denver. You skillfully used time-management to overcome the obstacles and challenges presented by other responsibilities to successfully complete your program. As a result of your hard work, you have been asked to prepare a presentation and speech to present at […]

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