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Organization/Development:How does the writer develop his, her, its, or their ideas?Does the author compare or contrast? Use statistics or other numerical evidence?

Go to the City Colleges of Chicago site to access the CCC databases.Search these two databases–Gale Virtual Reference Library and Academic Search CompleteFor information related to topics assigned to you based on the first letter in your last name–A-F: Food Insecurity/; G-L: Contingent Labor/Underemployment; M-R: Prisons/Incarceration; and, S-Z: Climate Change/Global Warming.The CCC databases are accessible […]

How can countries and businesses do business with each other when the value of each country’s currency is different?Discuss

Introduction Every country has its own currency. The value of a country’s currency is directly related to its economics. Therefore, the value of each country’s currency is different. The question becomes, “How can countries and businesses do business with each other when the value of each country’s currency is different?”

Calculate the implied annual interest rate on the futures contract? Calculate the new value of the futures contract if interest rates increase by 1 percentage point annually.

A Treasury bond futures contract settles at 98’8. a. What is the present value of the futures contract in dollars? b. If the contract settles at 98’8, are current market interest rates higher or lower than the standardized rate on a futures contract? Explain. c.Calculate the implied annual interest rate on the futures contract? d.Calculate […]

Justify your investment positions based on the relative inflation rate between two nations. For example, if the inflation rate is higher in the United States relative to the Euro Zone, all else equal, the Dollar would depreciate against the Euro.

Final Project Overview You are required at the end of the course to submit a final project in the form of a paper in which you assume the role of an investment manager investing for your clients’ funds in stock and foreign currencies, futures, options, oil, gold, silver, and other commodities based on profit sharing. […]

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