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Genital Mutilation-What are the origins and history of this topic? How many women are affected by this topic globally? How many women in the U.S are affected?

Step 1: Pick one of the following topics that interests, angers or excites you: Genital Mutilation Step 2: Using APA formatting, in-text citations, and a reference list. Use your textbook and the Chesnutt Library. Do not use personal pronouns. Your post must contain at least one journal article and electronic web-based resources. This will teach […]

How is the practice of female genital mutilation an example of a social practice of a patriarchal society?

Sociology 1. How does a family’s economic situation affect a victim’s decision on whether to leave an abusive marriage? 2. How is the practice of female genital mutilation an example of a social practice of a patriarchal society? 3. Which forms of abuse do you see as most relevant at present, and where/how would you […]

Choose four of the following questions Theoretical Perspectives: Natural Law and Legal Positivism Choose ONE of the following questions Although Russia decriminalised homosexuality decades ago, animosity against same-sex relationships remains high. In 2012, the Moscow city government ordered that gay pride parades be banned for the next 100 years. The following year, the parliament unanimously […]

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