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Examine and apply the theoretical concepts and methods used during an OD intervention.

Review the following case studies and select one to examine and apply the theoretical concepts and methods used during an OD intervention. Case Study 2: City Center Hospital Case Study Organizational Problem: Center City Hospital is a large outpatient surgery center in a mid-size urban area of Kansas. The CEO, Director of Nursing (DON), and […]

Is there a way that labor unions can move away from a zero-sum-game approach to negotiations, where one party has to lose in order for another to gain?

Technology aside, the future of unions is in debate in these two articles. As a future HR professional, read these articles and consider these differing opinions on the work of labor unions. Is there a way that labor unions can move away from a zero-sum-game approach to negotiations, where one party has to lose in […]

Describe Fiedler’s Contingency Theory and how leaders can become more effective by matching their leadership style to the situation at hand.

Contingency Theory Imagine you are an HR professional in an organization whose middle managers have been struggling with organizational communication and leadership principles. You have been asked by the leadership team to write a comprehensive research-based report on organizational communication and leadership. Your report will be distributed to all middle managers to study before the […]

Based on what you learned in this course, if you could give one piece of job advice to a new HR representative on how best to handle their new responsibilities, what would it be?

Employment law Part I: Consider your knowledge base of information pertaining to employment law prior to the start of this course. Identify one area in which you feel you have gained the most insight and how it will assist you in the future. Part II: Based on what you learned in this course, if you […]

Discuss the issues you found most compelling. Was the employee being unreasonable in his requests? How did the HR team handle the situation?

Global Human Resource Management Description Watch the video: Piercy, D. (2014, Nov 4). Global Human Resource Management. [Video File]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COQgJyCpU4A&feature=youtu.be This video features an employee who agreed to locate himself and his family from New York to Paris, France. This situation was not successful and the employee asked to have his contract terminated and return […]

Why is it important for HR management to transform from an administrative and operational function to a strategic partner.Discuss

Why is it important for HR management to transform from an administrative and operational function to a strategic partner. Provide a brief history of the HR function (no more than one page), and research regarding a specific organization of your choice that has successfully made this transition.

Describe two models for cross cultural or pre-departure training, one by R. Tung and the other by Mendenhall & Oddou.

Strategic Global HR Management  Description Describe two models for cross cultural or pre-departure training, one by R. Tung and the other by Mendenhall & Oddou. In the discussion compare the two models and indicate why you think one model is more effective than the other

Are there any liabilities to Jamal or the employer from his actions? Why or why not?

A common example is an employer restricting the use of social media both with the content shared by employees and access to social media through work computers. Jamal works from home almost every day and decides to log into his social media platform on his work computer. He comments and likes some posts and pictures […]

Discuss the facts that affect the problems and issues.

Read the case study: Contingent Workforce Planning at Motorola, Inc. I attached the case study to the files Please review attached case study its necessary for the paper. ——————————- Write a 6 to 7 page analysis of the case with the following sections (12 point font, double spaced): Section 1: Situation Identification (Abstract and Introduction): […]

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