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What do you think needs to be improved on for safety in the 21st century?

History Refection: Write 1 paragraph for each question (4 -6 sentences / 250 + word count X 2, as there are two questions). Use parenthetical citations when referencing the lecture PPT, for example use (Mod 13) for Module 13 lecture and reference the name of the reading articles and the title of the video clips […]

Critically analyze whether companies, such as in the case of Volvo Trucks USA, will need to revisit aspects of their employee pay structures and compensation packages to prevent worker unrest moving forward from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The UAW represents about 2,900 of the 3,300 workers at Volvo’s New River Valley plant. In the first round of negotiations, the company proposed — at least to the UAW’s President, Ray Curry and his team, who recommended it to their members: pay raises, signing bonuses, and lower-priced health care. Yet the workers overwhelmingly rejected […]

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