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Determine whether you think Tag-It can hit the target of a 12% increase in sales next year.

2. Determine whether you think Tag-It can hit the target of a 12% increase in sales next year. Prepare a 5 page report that includes a pro forma forecast using the template provided and an analysis of Tag-It’s ability to hit the 12% increase in sales in a separate word document.

Using the spreadsheet provided, run the following sensitivities: Take sales up to $630,000 and down to $570,000 (up by 5% and down by 5%) and record the new net present value numbers.

Type a numerical solution to the problems below: Using the spreadsheet provided, run the following sensitivities: Take sales up to $630,000 and down to $570,000 (up by 5% and down by 5%) and record the new net present value numbers. Returning to the original numbers, please take disposition value up to $525,000 and down to […]

Using the most recent three years relevant information from the chosen companies, list and discuss two different foreign currency hedging methods that employed by the chosen companies to manage their foreign currency transaction exposures.

Using the most recent three years relevant information from the chosen companies, list and discuss two different foreign currency hedging methods that employed by the chosen companies to manage their foreign currency transaction exposures. List and describe hedging method (B) employed. (SWAP METHOD) 600 words Describing about the swap method usage in 3yrs info about […]

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