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Are citizens sending too much tax money to Transit organizations? Could transit caps be raised several cents?

Subject: Economics Topic: Local Sales Tax Cap And How It Affects Public Transit Funding Include one additional page for citations/references. This is the research topic: Researching the sales tax cap and how it affects transit funding. Possible points of interest to talk about in the essay: Are citizens sending too much tax money to Transit […]

Discuss :The Effect Of Novel Method – A “Menu Of Needs” Methodology In Starting B2B Sales Conversations And Establishing The Needs Of Customers When Working Remotely Via Video Conferencing Platforms.

Discuss :The Effect Of Novel Method – A “Menu Of Needs” Methodology In Starting B2B Sales Conversations And Establishing The Needs Of Customers When Working Remotely Via Video Conferencing Platforms.

What strategies did you learn from the videos and podcast in this module? How can you apply these strategies to a real business?

https://hbr.org/podcast/2019/04/the-right-way-to-get-your-first-1000-customers Business Plan MIT Videos: Section 2, Part 1 – Marketing and Sales. What strategies did you learn from the videos and podcast in this module? How can you apply these strategies to a real business? Provide examples. Share at least one thing you found interesting and/or useful.

Explain the significance of Sensitivity and Specificity of Portable audiology equipment and Clinic-based audiology equipment.

Instructions Timberline Health, an integrated delivery system serving residents in five counties in eastern Washington, is considering new opportunities to increase community awareness of the organization’s outpatient health services. As the new business development manager of hearing health services, Jack Andrews is responsible for evaluating the feasibility of marketing activities for the hearing service line […]

Describe planning, sales and marketing strategies useful for the next 3 years

Develop the ability to research and analyse the individual components required to create a 3-year business plan Use accounting terms to describe the future of a business Describe planning, sales and marketing strategies useful for the next 3 years Apply skills to create a 3-year business plan for different audiences such as banks, investors and […]

Discuss what will happen to revenue if the number of the cookies sold increases or decreases.

Description Instructions: MUST USE TEMPLATES PROVIDED- NO EXCEPTIONS Partial work completed. Examples and templates provided. Cookie Business In this project, you will be opening your own specialty cookie company to see how product costing methods and changes in production affect business decisions. You will be creating a series of reports and analyzing the results using […]

What was the affect of this poor quality product on the organization’s: reputation, future sales and value?

Poor quality products products can have a detrimental effect on a company, its reputation and future product sales. Research and identify a company who suffered significant losses because of a poor quality product. Then respond to these items: Provide an overview of the company and the poor quality product. Was the poor quality intentional? If […]

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