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Check the latest originality report in attachments and reduce the similarity index.

Utility of Diffusion-Weighted MRI for monitoring treatment response in patient with multiple melanoma: a systematic review.

07/14/18 1.Check the latest originality report in attachments and reduce the similarity index. 2.Regarding the remaining comments to address – ensure this revision is the last one.In the Article part:Section “depth of response to treatment” – Overall quite descriptive – can you add some critique or discussion? Do not delete the content highlighted with the comment; Notably, the previous studies that have obtained significant results concerning the relevance of ADC in evaluation of MM patients in a therapy session are all characterized by small cohorts (Forger ET AL. 2011; Messieurs ET AL. 2012; Hilliness ET AL. 2011).  — add more studies to support the statement, section Anatomical region and lesion type. Again you have failed to improve the Discussion part as a whole in accordance with this comment: To be honest, it was quite difficult to follow and was too descriptive. Significant reworking is needed to bring to the required standard, you need to include more discussion and critique than is currently evident.Annex component, please, amend the following:Do address these points.Comment: This element needs developing in the below attempts at reflection as they are quite descriptive. 8/8/18 1:28 PM revise the paper according to the latest comment from QA+ reduce plagiarism.


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