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Identify changes in the environment (natural, social and governmental) that place the health of older people at risk.

Health & Illness in the Older Person

Assessment 2, Poster & Written Justification,

1500 words (50%)


Registered nurses work with individuals, groups and communities to improve health. One way to do this is to analyse how risks to health can be reduced during changes to natural, social and/ or governmental elements in our society. As clinical leaders, registered nurses are expected to collect information about an emerging health risk from a variety of sources and collate this information into a meaningful analysis with recommendations for a specific audience. The audience for these analyses can be the public, older people or carers of older people, or nurses working in a range of practice contexts.

The ability of registered nurses to communicate and educate using a variety of methods is an important skill and responsibility. This assignment provides an opportunity to engage in a patient education exercise commonly used by registered nurses, by developing a risk reduction poster for an identified health risk to older people, targeted at a particular audience, supported by an evidence-based written justification.

In this task you can apply the theoretical knowledge you have gained from your study of modules 1 (demographics & epidemiology of ageing), 2 (changing patterns of disease in older adults & nursing interventions), and 3 (changes to natural, social and/or governmental elements in society).




There are two parts to this assignment. You must complete both parts.

Part 1 is a one-sided A4 size poster (500 words) that is designed to educate patients about, and reduce the risk of, an identified health risk to older people, and

Part 2 is a written justification (1000 words) that includes evidence to support the information contained in the poster.

The total word allocation for this assignment is 1500 words.


Part 1 – On your poster you must:

  1. Identify a health risk for a specific older adult population (aged over 65 years or over 55 years if Australian First Peoples);
  2. Recommend and justify the nursing requirements for older people diagnosed with, or at risk of, complex health conditions and/or cognitive decline associated with this health risk; and
  3. Identify changes in the environment (natural, social and governmental) that put at risk the health of older people.


Extra instructions for poster & written justification


  • The poster must be one page and may be portrait or landscape and produced in PowerPoin
  • The poster size should be set to A4.In PowerPoint, go to Design tab > Slide Size > Custom > Slides sized for: A4 Paper (210×297 mm)> OK.
  • In PowerPoint, the poster can be zoomed for easier editing using View tab > Zoom OR the slider in the status bar on the bottom right of the screen.
  • Font must be greater than, or equal to, 10 point
  • References for in-text citations must be shown (10 point font is fine for referencing).
  • The poster must contain the author name (your name) and student number.
  • Source for images not taken by the author must be shown.
  • The poster must allow at least a 1 cm margin from each edge of the slide.


The Written Justification must be a WORD document (DOCX).

PLEASE NOTE: An introduction (context/aim/structure) and conclusion (why does the health risk need to be communicated?, who needs the information and why?, what information is needed and why has it be presented in this way?) are discussed in your workshop session in week 3 and can be used to support your written justification. Please see the You Tube workshop 2 recording for further direction if required.

To assist you with your final submission, the poster and the written justification should be collated in one PPTX doc. Please see “How to submit your Poster & Written Justification” guidelines below.

Part 2 – In your justification you must:

  1. Provide a rationale and supporting evidence for the selection of the health risk in the specified older adult population, and
  2. Justify your selection of the audience, included content, implications for nursing care related to change in environment, and the relevancy of selected poster features for your target audience.
  3. Evaluate the implications for nursing care related to changes in the environment (natural, social and governmental) that have an impact on the health of older people.

Instructions for poster & written justification presentation and formatting:

  • The poster must be one A4 page and may be portrait or landscape.
    • In PowerPoint, go to Design tab > Slide Size > Custom > Slides sized for: A4 Paper (210×297 mm)> OK.
  • In PowerPoint, the poster can be zoomed for easier editing using View tab > Zoom OR the slider in the status bar on the bottom right of the screen.
  • Font must be greater than, or equal to, 10-point
  • References for in-text citations must be shown (10-point font is fine for referencing).
  • The poster must contain the author name (your name) and student number.
  • Sources for images not taken by the author must be shown.
  • The poster must allow at least a 1 cm margin from each edge of the slide.
  • The Written Justification must be a WORD document (DOCX).


  • The poster and written justification must be collated into one document before submission via TURNITIN within the Assessment folder of the course L@G site.

Additional information:

  • Always refer to the Health Group Writing and Referencing Guide.
  • Ensure that you use scholarly literature[1] (digitised readings, research articles, relevant Government reports and text books) that has been predominantly published within the last 5 years.
  • Use academic language[2] and health specific terminology throughout.
  • Refer to the marking guidelines when writing your assignment. This will assist you in calculating the weightings of the sections for your assignment.
  • You may use headings to organise your work.
  • Use third person in your writing.
  • There is no need to submit a full Assignment Coversheet. State your word count (excluding your reference list) on the Assignment Title page.
  • Submit your assignment electronically via TURNITIN on your Learning Griffith site. [Submit in the ‘assessment’ tab]
    3805NRS Assignment 2, Poster & Written Justification, Marking Guidelines
 CRITERION ONE:  Part 1 – Poster


  • A health risk for a specific older adult population (aged over 65 years or over 55 years if Australian First Peoples) is clearly identified.

·         Recommend and justify the nursing requirements for older people diagnosed with, or at risk of, complex health conditions and/or cognitive decline associated with this health risk.

  • Identify changes in the environment (natural, social and governmental) that place the health of older people at risk.
CRITERION TWO: Part 2 – Written Justification


  • The rationale for the selection of health risk for a specified audience is supported using evidence-based research.
  • Justify your selection of the audience, included content, implications for nursing care related to change in environment, and the relevancy of selected poster features for your target audience.
  • The implications for nursing care related to changes in the environment (natural, social and governmental) that impact the health of older people are evaluated.


CRITERION THREE: Evidence & Academic Writing
·         The rationale for the poster elements including audience, content and relevant features for the chosen audience is logically developed using scholarly sources (5 marks).

·         Ten (10) different sources from the scholarly literature are sourced (5 marks).


CRITERION FOUR: Presentation & Referencing
·         The writing is clear, concise & free of APA (6th ed) errors.

·         Word limits for assessment items are strictly adhered to.

·         Correct spelling, grammar, and well-constructed sentence and paragraph structure.



Total Marks

[weighted at 50%]



[1] Scholarly or peer-reviewed journal articles are written by scholars or professionals who are experts in their fields, as opposed to literature such as magazine articles, which reflect the tastes of the public and are often meant as entertainment.

[2] Everyday language is predominantly subjective. It is mainly used to express opinions based on personal preference or belief rather than evidence. Written academic English is formal. It avoids colloquialisms and slang, which may be subject to local and social variations. Formal language is more precise and stable, and therefore more suitable for the expression of complex ideas and the development of reasoned argumentation.

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