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Human Resources, Business, Management: Do you have a personal development plan for yourself? Is it in writing and being followed? 

Pre-Interview Questions:

What are your assets?

I’m enthusiastic, competent, versatile, dedicated, customer focused, and operate with a high degree of integrity.

  • Which asset is strongest?

Integrity. It is the foundation on which everything is built, from relationships to business decisions.

  • What differentiates you from your competitors?

My customer service approach. The human resources department has many customers and I believe it’s important to keep them in mind.

  • What unique resources do you have?

I was one of three managers who built a company from the ground up. Starting with one branch and 8 employees and growing to 13 branch locations in multiple states and over 150 employees.  As a result, I have gained knowledge and experience in human resources, information technology, regulatory compliance, marketing, facilities management, business operations, corporate governance and more. Having these skillsets allows me to provide a unique lens to human resources.  In addition, I can often help out in other areas of the organization.

  • Do you always follow the “rules” or do you occasionally throw out the “rules?”

Generally, yes. Rules are made for a reason and it’s important to consider that before ever making a detour.  However, one cannot consider all possibilities when formulating rules.  As such, there may be instances where they don’t apply or address every scenario.  In those instances, it may be necessary to revamp the rules.  Generally, that is done with a management discussion. Whatever is applied must be fair, and consistent across the board.  And the rule would be amended.  Laws on the other hand must always be followed to best possible interpretation.

  • What areas do we need to improve on?

I do not know enough about your company to make a fair assessment.  However, some areas that I can improve on are better managing interruptions and identifying my blind spots.

  • In what areas do your competitors have an edge?

A competitor in my field could have an edge by having a SHRM or HRCI certificate.  Although, my degree program followed the SHRM curriculum and I qualify to take the exams by both experience and education and will be testing for the SHRM-CP in December of this year.

  • Are you a micromanager?

No, I believe in empowering people and providing them with the necessary tools to make good decisions on their own.

  • Do you have a personal development plan for yourself? Is it in writing and being followed?

I do, and it is in writing in an outline form.  I believe in continuous personal growth and I generally set goals for each year.  I am also an avid reader of personal development books.  For this year, my goals are personal health, financial health, and education. I have already taken measurable steps in each of these areas.  I am working with a Naturopathic Doctor, Chiropractor, and have a fitness routine in place.  In-fact, I recently completed my first 10K.  I hired a fiduciary to map out my financial future which we did earlier this year.  And, I am on schedule to take my SHRM-CP in December.  Next-year I am exploring options for a master’s degree.

  • How are you using technology to better manage?

I find that technology is useful for enhancing communication and organization. So, depending on the platform I look for what is at my disposal to better manage those tasks.

  • Do you know enough about Social Media?

Yes, I am well versed in Social Media. At Mortgage Advisory Group the marketing department reported to me and I worked I closely with them to build and manage social media campaigns.

  • Are you tactful?

I believe in using tact and I try to approach all situations with tact in mind.  It’s important to understand the other person’s perspective and remain sensitive to their needs and unique point of view.

  • Have you thought about where you want to be in one year, three years, and five years?

Yes, professionally I want to be employed with a company who is energized and going places.  One that cares for their employees and empowers them.  I want to contribute to their success and rise through the ranks.  Personally, I would like to accomplish my established goals for the year and continue to set bigger goals for each subsequent year, like obtaining my master’s degree.

  • How do you deal with criticism from clients, managers, co-workers, and employees?

I welcome criticism.  Although it’s not always easy to hear I believe in facing the brutal facts.  Once things are in the open they can be addressed and that is what’s most important.

  •  What is your decision-making process

It really depends on the decision being made.  First, I gather all pertinent information.  Then I consider that information as well as possible outcomes.  It may be important to get input from others before making a final determination on the best course of action.  It’s always wise to come back and review your decision after it’s been implemented to monitor the progress and identify lessons learned.

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