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How would you define a differentiated practice for a registered nurse with an ADN education versus a registered nurse with a BSN education?

Discussions shall be taken in the Discussion Board forum as assigned by the professor. Students should read, analyze, and respond to questions and comments from the course professor and classmates. Discussion board responses count to the final grade. Participation is very important as it contributes to the overall learning and enjoyment of the class. You are required to respond to the initial discussion board question. Also, you must read other students’ posts and ask thoughtful, provoking questions. At a minimum, you should be writing thoughtful posts on four other threads, not counting your initial response. Discussion board posts will be graded on the quality of the response, quality of the writing, and inclusion of the required reference.

Please make sure to use APA formatting when posting and citing information. Also, make sure to use a reference source in your initial response.


How would you define a differentiated practice for a registered nurse with an ADN education versus a registered nurse with a BSN education?

Please consider the difference in the approaches of these two educational programs and determine how these approaches can be demonstrated in practice.

This is not a question about which is “better” or about a proposal to eliminate the ADN. It is a question about how we might maximize the fact that the educational philosophies of each of this program are different, and each expects to produce a product based upon that philosophy. How can this be demonstrated in the way each is asked to practice if both are practicing beside nursing? Or could you differentiate the practice?

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