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Template with appropriate hypothetical business data. When you evaluate the various risks that might be present when developing the information system, consider those that might be related to an aviation-related company.

Fill in the template with appropriate hypothetical business data. When you evaluate the various risks that might be present when developing the information system, consider those that might be related to an aviation-related company. Our company is making an information system for an aircraft tire company that will use a carousel system to store and organize the tires.

Below is an example from another student:

Type of Overly Optimistic Estimates risk:

– If training for the software is not taken seriously due to complacency, we may not be able to handle the system correctly.

– We could run the business off of the assumption that we may meet both our break-even and profit point earlier than anticipated due to high volume of customers.

– We assume that potential customer is a bona fide source of business rather than accepting the idea that not everyone wants our business.

– We operate the business without properly checking and servicing equipment at prescribed times in application. We may be able to get away with not servicing one or two months, but these bad habits will only come back to bite us and it will be all our fault.

Likelihood of risk:

– Low. The training of the information system ends in a detailed assessment that must be passed in order to be an operator of the application.

– Tire shop has strict “keeper test” that is followed regarding employee retention. Those that do not make the cut are cut from the business.

Potential impact on the project:

– Positive. The tire shop ensures that they keep the best employees and supplies them with the best equipment.

– The Carousel unit cannot be run without the application, and now, only those who truly understand and are good to work with will be operating it.

Ways to address this risk:

– Constant upkeep of the equipment and regular use of the application would be key to avoiding issues. There is an on call repair team for the equipment and on call tech support for the application.

– Should problems arise, the tire shop has internal procedures that deal with issue on their side. Tech support and our company office can be reached during working hours for issues and updates.

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