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Discuss the pathophysiology underlying the altered signs and symptoms, with reference to the patient’s disease process.

Select a case study from your workplace. If you are not currently working you may use a patient that you have previously cared for. This patient must be experiencing 2 significant health issues. Please see Canvas for further details.

Part A: Background


-Provide a brief introduction to the case (remember to use a pseudonym for your patient) which includes presenting problems and medical diagnosis. Include a summary of the patient’s history (past medical and social history), presenting signs and symptoms, relevant diagnostic and pathology test results, and current medications.


– Identify the signs and symptoms that you believe to be altered for your patient, and prioritise these according to clinical urgency using the A-G format.

  1. Discussion

– Discuss the pathophysiology underlying the altered signs and symptoms, with reference to the patient’s disease process. Within this section you need to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding  of the relationships between the patients’ signs and symptoms,

and the underlying cellular AND systemic pathophysiological processes.



Identification of significant underlying pathophysiological process impacting your patient, and provision of a comprehensive patent history (20%)

Identify and prioritise the altered physical findings (20%)

Discussion of cellular and systemic pathophysiology underlying the altered signs and symptoms (60%)

Note: Students are strongly advised to consult the supplied resources in Canvas for guidance about assignment structuring, writing and referencing for all assignments.

2.8 Assignment 2: Patient case study: Patient case study: Examining pathophysiological processes (50%)

Module 5 Body maintenance pathophysiology – urinary, fluids and electrolytes

Assessment 2: Case study

Select a case study from your workplace. If you are not currently working you may use a patient that you have previously cared for. This patient must be experiencing 2 significant health issues. Examples may include a person with a respiratory illness with a previous diagnosis of diabetes, or a person with cardiac issues with a previous diagnosis of dementia.

1. Introduction -Provide a brief introduction to the case (remember to use a pseudonym for your
patient) which includes presenting problems and medical diagnosis. Include a summary of the
patient’s history (past medical and social history), presenting signs and symptoms, relevant
diagnostic and pathology test results, and current medications.

2. Problems – Identify the signs and symptoms that you believe to be altered for your patient, and prioritise these according to clinical urgency using the A-G format.

3. Discussion – Discuss the pathophysiology underlying the altered signs and symptoms, with reference to the patient’s disease process. Within this section you need to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the relationships between the patients’ signs and symptoms, and the underlying cellular AND systemic pathophysiological processes.

4. Conclusion.


  • You cannot use a patient already used from a previous assessment, and this assignment cannot be used again in your postgraduate studies.


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