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Write 1/2 page response for the two articles below. 1st article 1/2 page, the 2nd article 1/2 page which will make one page in total. Provide TWO references for EACH article.

Write 1/2 page response for the two articles below. 1st article 1/2 page, the 2nd article 1/2 page which will make one page in total. Provide TWO references for EACH article. References cant be older than 5 yrs old and Sites such as WebMD, epocrates, drugs.com (among others) will not be counted.

 Respond by providing an additional scholarly resource that supports or challenges their position along with a brief explanation of the resource.



Psychotherapy is a technique where a client participates in a structured session or collection of encounters with another individual that has training, license, certification, and ethical exclusion. The provider is certified to impact the intellectual state of one in a way that decreases the struggling or increases the healthy psychological, interpersonal, and behavioral choices of the client (Ebert, Leckman, & Petrakis, 2019). I believe that psychotherapy has a biological basis because it can help alter how genes or neurotransmitters function in the brain. Similar to how traumatic events in one’s life can cause a disorder to occur (Holttum, 2014). Nero imagining has shown that changes in the brain occur when psychotherapy is implemented this could be compelling evidence that psychotherapy has biological basis similar to how medications can alter neurotransmitters functioning (Fournier & Price, 2014). How people perceive the usefulness of psychotherapy can be affected dramatically by their culture, religion, and socioeconomic status. Certain cultures expect individuals to mask or hide their emotions in doing this; a person with depression are less likely to seek treatment. Having an understanding of how different cultures function will help MHNP provide the most appropriate treatment for each client (Balkir Neftci & Barnow, 2016). Growing up in the military has allowed me to learn about many different cultures and religions being able to see how another person lives and thinks about various topics opens one’s mind to many different possibilities as well as making one more culturally aware.



This post will discuss if psychotherapy has a biological basis supported by evidence-based literature. This post will also explain how factors such as culture, religion, and socioeconomic impact personal perspectives regarding psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy is a skilled relationship between a therapist and a client based on therapeutic principles that may control or eliminate symptoms impairing overall functioning (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Goals of psychotherapy include promoting healing while increasing well-being. Psychotherapy has a biological basis; the operations of the brain are organic. Psychotherapy can lead to changes in behavior by thinking more positive thoughts, building positive relationships, and eliciting a positive shift in some aspect of life.

Psychotherapy provides treatment with no side effects, no drug interactions, and no chance of adverse reactions (Laureate Education,2016). Psychotherapy proves to be effective in the treatment of a variety of mental illnesses (Laureate Education, 2016). Fournier and Price (2014) write through the use of neuroimaging technologies tools are available to identify markers of brain function associated with treatment response. A positive association between psychotherapy and baseline activity in areas of the brain responsible for creating and maintaining emotion, response to fear, and reward showed through neuroimaging studies (Fournier & Price, 2014).

The stigma associated with mental illness will prevent many from seeking the needed help. Culture influences every aspect of our lives (Wheeler, 2014). Culture influences the view of mental illness; coping strategies, stereotyping, family, and treatment-seeking patterns are all affected by cultural beliefs (Gopalkrishna & Babalan, 2015). Culture, religion, and social economics impact how individuals view psychotherapy and the resources available.

Understanding the beliefs of the client will ensure client-centered care is offered in a manner to meet the needs of the client.

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