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What advantages do state prisons have compared to local jails? What makes local jails more vulnerable to signing bad contracts?

In order to complete this assignment, you will need to read the report by Wagner & Jones (February 2019) titled “State of Phone Justice: Local jails, state prisons, and private phone providers”. It can be found at the following link: https://www.prisonpolicy.org/phones/state_of_phone_justice.html Looking at the State of North Carolina: What was the highest cost of a […]

Discuss the relationship between the Supreme Court rulings in White, Ciraolo, Reiley and Dow with the decision in Kyllo.

Study the case of Kyllo V. United States pertaining to the use of thermal-imaging devices constituting a legal search of a home. Once you have read the case in its entirety, answer the discussion questions below; What is the holding in Kyllo? Explain the significance of the fact that the thermal-imaging device is not in […]

Explain to your offender one limitation of their line of thinking (i.e. One point you would argue to show them that their theoretical approach might be flawed.)

Two teens have set up shop in an abandoned warehouse on the edge of town, distributing alcohol to their underage high school peers. They feel that there should be no charge for breaking and entering or trespassing because the warehouse was abandoned. • Identify which two sociological theories ( Disorganization theory and Differential Association theory […]

How does crime compare between your assigned country and the United States and Germany? In your opinion, why does your assigned country have less or more crime than the United States?

Current Events Incorporating library databases and Internet research, conduct a news search on your assigned country (Canada) and criminal justice related issues, type a paragraph summary of at least six (6) news articles, and cite the article in the text of your analysis and at the end of the assignment in proper APA format. Your […]

Update future readers of the textbook(Comparative Criminal Justice System by Harry R. Dammer and Jay S. Albanese) and create a short section titled Addendum.

For this assignment you are to update future readers of the textbook(Comparative Criminal Justice System by Harry R. Dammer and Jay S. Albanese) and create a short section titled Addendum. The first two sentences should be: “Since the publication of Comparative Criminal Justice Systems in 2013 a number of significant political and criminal justice developments […]

Describe the steps to reconstruct a case and use an example to illustrate the concepts. Describe how reconstructing a crime scene can aid in understanding the fundamentals of criminal.

The principle methods of inquiry are divided into two broad, distinct categories: those that reconstruct the past and those that discover or create new knowledge. Based on your reading answer the following questions: What are methods of inquiry and how are they used in criminal investigation? Describe the steps to reconstruct a case and use […]

Does the vigilante have the moral authority to act and why? Who do you think the movie portrays as the “good” characters that the audience should support and why?

Does the vigilante have the moral authority to act and why? Who do you think the movie portrays as the “good” characters that the audience should support and why? At what point does the vigilantes actions make them as bad as the criminals? Why does the audience support the vigilante? What is justice and how […]

How should law enforcement be dealing with individuals who have mental health issues? What improvement can be made from practices that are currently in use in Police dealing with individuals with mental health issues?

Instructions: Read the questions carefully and answer. Whatever point or answer you give justify it by explanation(s). You can do a research but do not copy and paste. Also, make sure you attend to  both questions 1 and 2 and the sub-questions embedded  in them ( questions 1 and 2). Please take it seriously, the […]

Discuss what you liked and did not like about the movie. Provides reasons why.

Movie Review: Students will be responsible for writing a (variant on a) movie review of a wrongful conviction film. The movie review makes up 20% of your grade. Students will have two options. First, you can use one of the Thur. movies to write your review. Second, you can choose from an acceptable list of […]

Give two reasons why a conflict perspective might not be suitable for today’s American Society? Distinguish between Structural and instrumental criminology.

(a) Distinguish between Differential association theory and Differential identification theory [1 point]. (b) Name two short comings of the social process theories are: (a) and (b) [1 point]. (c) Give an example of societal imposition of positive label [point 1]. (d) Two reasons is it so difficult to impose positive labels on individuals who were […]

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