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Discuss at least three data driven accomplishments NHANES has achieved and analyze how these might improve the nutritional health of Americans.

National Health and Nutrition Go to the CDC’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(Link bottom of page). Using the information on this site, briefly describe the NHANES scientific study, including its development, process, and data. Discuss at least three data driven accomplishments NHANES has achieved and analyze how these might improve the nutritional health of […]

If you were treating a patient with the candidate disease you learned about, provide recommendation(s) regarding food preparation and consumption of particular foods in relationship to lowering risk of disease, and/or improving recovery.

Type 2 diabetes If you were treating a patient with the candidate disease you learned about, provide recommendation(s) regarding food preparation and consumption of particular foods in relationship to lowering risk of disease, and/or improving recovery.

Critically examine the Impact and distribution of the chosen condition (Type 2 diabetes) in the UK and Scotland over a time frame by examining trends (society, class, race, genders) and exploring published studies.

Type 2 Diabetes Description Critically examine the Impact and distribution of the chosen condition (Type 2 diabetes) in the UK and Scotland over a time frame by examining trends (society, class, race, genders) and exploring published studies. Must include an introduction, main body and conclusion. All information is in the first word document. Referencing style […]

Did you eat foods made from refined or white grain foods? Name the foods?Does your protein come from plant-based protein foods? Name the foods.

Hunaina Dorya Diet analysis Interpretation of results, making healthy changes and create a day with a healthier diet (24p) 1. Food choices and applying recommendations from the CFG 6p 2p Your analyzed diet and highly processed foods: How can you recognize highly processed foods? Do you have any intake of highly processed foods? Health problems […]

Explain which message from the video has left an impression on you? What message has an impacted or has changed your food choices, your view on nutrients, your diet, your eating behavior, etc.?

Find a short video – on any nutrition topic of your interest or a topic that you would like to find out more about. The video should be posted on an easily accessible website like YouTube, vimeo or on a web page. The video should be less than 5 minutes long. If it is longer, […]

Identify the nutritional ramifications of this topic, identify any nutritional concerns, recommendations, etc.

Weight management 1. Identify the nutritional ramifications of this topic, identify any nutritional concerns, recommendations, etc. 2. No more than 4 pages and not fewer than 3-1/2 double-spaced. 3. Be sure to include appropriate information that shows the pros and cons of your topic. 5. Include appropriate resources besides the textbook. 6. This is college-level […]

When does weight actually impact health, and how can we have constructive conversations around weight and health?

Human’s have moved very quickly from being low-level primates trying to find every morsel of food they could, to the dominate species able to summon as many calories as desired by pressing a few buttons. This change has happened so quickly many scientists agree that we still possess a “gorging gene” that drives us to […]

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