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Explain which message from the video has left an impression on you? What message has an impacted or has changed your food choices, your view on nutrients, your diet, your eating behavior, etc.?

Find a short video – on any nutrition topic of your interest or a topic that you would like to find out more about. The video should be posted on an easily accessible website like you tube, vimeo or on a web page. The video should be less than 5 minutes long. If it is […]

What foods would you suggest the athlete add to their diet to increase their intake of the low nutrients?What foods would you suggest the athlete remove from their diet to minimize their intake of excessive nutrients?

For this assignment, analyze the diet of the athlete you are assigned then answer the questions. For each athlete, in addition to the foods the scenario clearly, there may be a few foods you may need to interpret. Don’t worry; there is no right or wrong for the foods you interpret and modify; you will […]

Identify and Define lactate threshold? Use your required and discovered readings to explain the LT relationship to aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. Why is it important to understand Lactate Threshold within the context of your future Sports and Health Science Career?

You must upload a word document for this writing assignment. Your assignment must be submitted as an attachment. In this week’s lesson we learned how our metabolic system produces energy during exercise. To continue studying this topic, please answer the following four questions about the lactate threshold and training. You are encouraged to use required […]

Who is sharing the information? Does the presenter/blogger/speaker have any credentials?What makes the content attractive/not attractive in this post?

In this written project, you will have an opportunity to apply what you have learned about distinguishing between evidence-based and false nutrition information, in a social-media setting. Every day, we encounter social media “influencers” claiming information that may or may not be true. With what you have learned in this course so far, you will […]

What are the current treatments and what NEW research is being done? Discuss some of the medications and their potential side effects.

In a minimum 9-10 pages , double spaced document, APA format. This research paper will discuss several aspects of Alzheimer’s Disease . You are always welcome to go over 10 pages, . Be sure to answer each of the following questions in your paper for full credit. The references at the end of book chapt […]

Identify your target population and their need. Discuss the community or population and write a statement of the problem. Include any statistics or article information to validate the need. Include how you might collaborate with other agencies or professionals.

Write a proposal for a nutrition education program for the group you identified within your application exercises that you would like to work with . The information presented should actually be a compilation of information from your application exercises. Use the 6 steps described below for the format of your paper. Address each of the […]

What are complementary proteins? Give three examples of how several foods can be combined to yield complementary proteins.

M2 protein intake Are high protein/low carbohydrate diets safe?  Why or why not?  What did you decide?  Support your claims/position with scientifically supported research using proper citations. Considering what you have learned about protein, what is your opinion of protein supplements?  Defend your answer. As your text points out, there are health benefits to vegetarian […]

What are your thoughts on Bullet Proof Coffee and its claims in terms of nutrition and health based on facts from the class lecture and readings. Would you try it; why or why not?

Please take some time and look at the idea of Bullet Proof Coffee, a current trend in lipid nutrition. I will not be providing you a source, but rather I want you to seek a reliable one out. Feel free to read all the info out there, as if you were not a smart, fact […]

What are your thoughts on Bullet Proof Coffee and its claims in terms of nutrition and health based on facts from the class lecture and readings. Would you try it; why or why not?

Take some time and look at the idea of Bullet Proof Coffee, a current trend in lipid nutrition. I will not be providing you a source, but rather I want you to seek a reliable one out. Feel free to read all the info out there, as if you were not a smart, fact checking […]

Assess proficiency in synthesizing peer-reviewed literature pertaining to experimental and functional food research for the purpose of critically addressing nutrition questions.

Assess proficiency in synthesizing peer-reviewed literature pertaining to experimental and functional food research for the purpose of critically addressing nutrition questions. Follow the instructions below write your Research Report. Review the reading materials found in Module Read a review article on the topic. This will assist in familiarizing yourself with the topic. Locate and read […]

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