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The lesson plan asked students to read aloud the poem Snow by David Berman. Complete content and language objectives that align with the standards in part B2 were not located.

Professional Communication (Articulation): A formal, focused tone guides this analysis of language learning standards. Minor errors in sentence fluency occur, but overall the work is clear to follow and meets competency for this aspect. Review before resubmission. Content: A sixth-grade lesson plan was submitted that addressed 5 English language proficiency standards. Feedback is provided in […]

Discuss how the new learning would help you to plan effectively for literacy instruction in the early childhood classes.

1. What are the key areas that shaped your thinking about the course Literacy Development in Early Childhood. 2. What are the areas of the course you did not like? 3. What surprised you about the course? 4. What surprised you about the course? 5. What is the single most important thing that you will […]

How has Anthony’s performance changed during the field placement? How does Phillip’s recognition of his increasing work effort indicate problems on the part of the student? And how might the increasing work effort on the part of the field instructor reinforce poor performance in Anthony?

Answer the following questions based on Reading the case in the attachment What constitutes privilege? How was Anthony privileged? Not privileged? And what are his perceptions of that? How might his perception of his own privilege impact his learning opportunities and relationships in the field placement/ experience? How has Anthony’s performance changed during the field […]

Analyze and describe social and development in relation to establishing and maintaining respectful relationships between … the child and the educator and between the child’s and his /her peers.

Assessment task 1: Social and emotional developmental report. Details: 1. Investigate and report on how Early Childhood Educators apply knowledge of social and emotional development of children aged 3-5 to establish and foster respectful relationships. 2. You will begin by describing the social and emotional development of children aged 3-5. 3. Analyze and describe social […]

Identify and discuss the motor abilities which are specifically related to your chosen skill, and how these abilities may be an important factor in determining why people differ in achievement levels of the chosen skill.

Task: Assignment one is an individual written assignment which requires you to select a skill, conduct an analysis of the skill, discuss the classification of the skill, identify the underlying motor abilities required for skilled performance, and describe how the movement is controlled. Learning outcomes assessed: 1. Describe different ways to classify motor skills. 2. […]

Provide a rationale for the proposed solution. Include how the solution might support the success for all students, support the mission and vision of the school, and safety, democracy, and equity for students and staff.

Case Analysis Framework Use the following outline to inform assignments involving case studies. Describe the case scenario based on information provided. What additional information is needed to inform the scenario? Identify additional aspects of the case that might influence a decision. Identify legal rulings to consider in making a decision. 5.Identify district policy that might […]

Explain the focus learner’s use of the communication skill to participate in learning tasks or demonstrate learning related to the learning goal.

Overview Start off by making a day to day chart of the focus learner’s assessment record. What days did he/she accomplish the daily objective and which days did he/she not? What scores were made on formative and summative assessments? Then use those results to answer the following questions. Each bullet point is a separate question […]

Do the results lend themselves toward knowing your emotional intelligence?  How can you use these results as a leader?

Instructions for Emotional Intelligence. Note: Please avoid using passive voice when writing. Avoid words below: Emotional Intelligence, sometimes called EQ or EI, is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, and those of the people around you.  EI for leadership typically includes five attributes: self-awareness, self-management, empathy, relationship management, and effective communication.  Some of […]

What does the article say about the effect of transformational/transactional leadership on follower moral identity?

1. This week we emphasize the qualities of the leader who acts ethically in dealing with employees. We will see transformational leadership in Week 11. The “decouple” concept will also be introduced. Zhu, W., Riggio, R. E., Avolio, B. J., & Sosik, J. J. (2011). The effect of leadership on follower moral identity: Does transformational/transactional […]

Investigate and discuss planning, implementing, evaluating and critically reflection in teaching and learning programs.

Through this essay the student will be required to demonstrate their learning in relation to Student Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 5. NOTE WELL: THE FOLLOWING ARE THE OUTCOMES YOU NEED TO ‘RELATE’ AND ‘DEMONSTRATE’ IN THIS LEARNING WHEN WRITING THE ESSAY – Incorporate the learning outcomes below in the essay writing and reference […]

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