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Use the readings provided to explore the topic – use the concepts and theories in the lecture slides as a guide for an analysis of algorithmic culture. Address the topic in an angle of your choice and use a case study to further your argument.

Use the readings provided to explore the topic – use the concepts and theories in the lecture slides as a guide for an analysis of algorithmic culture. Address the topic in an angle of your choice and use a case study to further your argument. Draw on and effectively engage with the readings, and also […]

Evaluate the Institute of Medicine’s Six Aims for Improving Healthcare Quality. Select one aim and provide two specific examples of how it can be achieved.

Evaluate the Institute of Medicine’s Six Aims for Improving Healthcare Quality. Select one aim and provide two specific examples of how it can be achieved. Defend your examples. Lastly, define quality as it applies to healthcare in the United States, in your own words.

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