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What is a sole proprietorship? What drawbacks should be considered?

Management Discuss the issues that entrepreneurs should consider when evaluating different forms of ownership. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the sole proprietorship, partnerships, and corporations. Describe the features of the S corporation and the limited liability company. Discuss the alternative options for corporate forms, both for-profit and non-profit, available to social entrepreneurs. Action Required: […]

What kinds of challenges do you anticipate that the Indian companies will face in implement this new outsource strategy?

Business Week 2 Case Study – Case 3.2 India is Sending Jobs Abroad Case Study Background Information: In this section, you will provide a background on the case, the key points that will help to understand your responses to the case study questions. From this case, how would you describe the new of offshore outsourcing? […]

Write a detailed, analytical response in narrative format to the “Exercise” on page 423.

Management Write a detailed, analytical response in narrative format Read the case from our textbook titled, “How Starbucks Convinced Indians to Embrace Coffee”, pp. 413-426. Write a detailed, analytical response in narrative format to the “Exercise” on page 423. Prepare a formal write up that introduces your perspective, integrates all the required elements in an […]

What evidence does Elizabeth Croll put forward to support her claim that female mortality rates in such countries as China and India are so excessive that they constitute a “terrible story of inequality and neglect”?

What evidence does Elizabeth Croll put forward to support her claim that female mortality rates in such countries as China and India are so excessive that they constitute a “terrible story of inequality and neglect”? What are the cultural and economic factors that contribute to excessive female mortality in these countries? What are the reasons […]

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