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What were the main changes and challenges that industrialization posed for American workers during this period?

Writing Write a 1350 words , double-spaced paper in 12-point font that responds to this prompt: “Beginning in the 1820s and the 1830s, the industrial revolution began to transform the United States – and, in doing so, also transformed the lives of American workers. What were the main changes and challenges that industrialization posed for […]

How did their efforts seek to ameliorate the most negative effects of industrialization, urbanization, and unregulated capitalism?

Subject: History The period between 1890 and 1918 saw sweeping changes in American society due to the rise of Progressivism and the evolution of public health. For your discussion, this week, consider what the text and the primary sources for Chapter 20, the Tomes chapter on the Gospel of Germs, and the documentary on the […]

Compare three distinct historic moments and examples from at least three different weeks of the semester.

Consider dramatic economic, political, cultural, or social developments that have challenged workers, their communities, and their movements, such as industrialization; immigration; war; depression; radicalism and anti-radicalism. Focusing primarily on one development and primarily on one group of working people, discuss the challenges those people faced, the conflicting choices available to them, and the decisions they […]

Analyze and explain the environmental consequences of industrialization and the impact that it had not only on the physical landscape, but the health affects of the population that was exposed to it as well.

Analyze and explain the environmental consequences of industrialization and the impact that it had not only on the physical landscape, but the health affects of the population that was exposed to it as well.

What were the two most important results of industrialization in the United States between 1865 and 1920?Discuss

What were the two most important results of industrialization in the United States between 1865 and 1920? Feel free to discuss politics, economics, society, etc. Make sure to give specific evidence to support your conclusions, mentioning names, dates, events, ideas, etc.

Describe two consequences of industrialization on American politics and/or society.

Description 1002.1.3 : Reconstruction and the Age of American Imperialism The graduate examines the major changes that defined the United States in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. INTRODUCTION Over the course of the nineteenth century, the United States matured into a country with interests and influences extending beyond North America. Following the upheaval of the […]

Using two (2) readings on the Revolutions of Industrialization (Sources, 23-1, 23-2, and 23-3), evaluate the effects of industrialization on working people.

Using two (2) readings on the Revolutions of Industrialization (Sources, 23-1, 23-2, and 23-3), evaluate the effects of industrialization on working people. What were those effects? Did working-class Europeans have any mechanisms through which to challenge their social, economic, and political position(s) in society?

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