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Present a conclusion as to whether the article furthers the rights of the child. Should the US enforce this article?

Present the article in your introduction. summarizing the various points of the article and the purpose of the article. 2. Research any background to the article. Why is the article there to protect a child? Sometimes an article will refer to other sources and you will need to study those sources. Present the reasons for […]

What are the tests that the courts apply when deciding whether or not a clause is a penalty? Does the penalty clause rule only apply to sums payable on a breach of contract?

What should be included: What is a penalty clause and why do the courts in England refuse to enforce such clauses? What is the impact of the decision of the Supreme Court in Cavendish Square Holdings? What are the tests that the courts apply when deciding whether or not a clause is a penalty? Does […]

Our readings put the KKK and White Nationalists in the same group like the Black Panther and the Nation of Islam. Is this a fair comparison? Are both groups trying to achieve the same goals?

In August 2017, we saw a group of White Nationalist clash with anti-Hate groups in Charlottesville, VA. One protester, two officers were killed and 100s injured. Our readings put the KKK and White Nationalists in the same group like the Black Panther and the Nation of Islam. Is this a fair comparison? Are both groups […]

What issues do we have with the South American oil giant? Don’t we have enough issues here at home that need to be confronted before we claim helping set up Democracies in nations that do not want or need our assistance?

Is America the World’s Largest Sponsor of Terrorism? Many prominent scholars have concluded that the global rise in state-sponsored terror was a result of U.S. foreign policy. The U.S. had been supporting Al Qaeda and other Terrorists/ Freedom Fighters in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Libya, Syria, and Iran (Links to an external site.). We also support Saudi […]

Identify the other components of “a wider inquiry”, and discuss the relative importance of each of these in determining whether there has been a breach of the duty of care.

Identify the other components of “a wider inquiry”, and discuss the relative importance of each of these in determining whether there has been a breach of the duty of care. Provide authority for your argument from relevant case law.

Given the set of facts below involving Joe and Sam, explain the remedies available to Joe, and the benefits and disadvantages of each.

(Contract Law in common law) Given the set of facts below involving Joe and Sam, explain the remedies available to Joe, and the benefits and disadvantages of each. Case Scenario: Joe agreed to purchase a house from Sam. Joe was very excited about finding the perfect house for himself. It had a swimming pool (Joe […]

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