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Compare TWO WAYS your chosen Injustice is SIMILAR to one of the Injustices presented in the films we screened.

Using the articles from the Reading Packets, and considering the films we screened in class, what injustice, locally or Globally, would you commit an act of CIVIC ENGAGMENT or PROTEST FOR? In your answer consider, and offer answers to these questions: Why this injustice? What is your connection to it or why does it touch […]

Analyze US case law as well as its legislation related to trade mark parody works, then talk about how it should be improved and also redefine what kinds of parody works should be protected.

The general idea about this topic would be: 1.Hong Kong has very few case law about trade mark parody. The current legislation(Hong Kong Trade Marks Ordinance) do not provide enough protection to certain parody works. So we could take the US law for reference. Analyze US case law as well as its legislation related to […]

Analyze and explain the meaning of UCC 2-207(1), 2-207(2) and 2-207 (3) Analyze and explain whether, under the common law Mirror Image Rule, Parsons and QFC would have a valid, enforceable contract.

Create a PowerPoint (PPT) comparing the common law mirror image rule with the UCC battle of the forms and evaluating the Parsons – QFC contract for purchase of chairs. The PPR should address the following: Evaluate and explain the meaning of the common law Mirror Image Rule. Give a brief example of an agreement that […]

With the information you currently have, do you need to report the dentist to the NPDB? If so, for what reason(s)?  If not, why not, and what action would need to be taken for reporting to be appropriate?

Regardless of the provider type, when you are in an administrative position, you more likely than not will be asked to render a decision about a person’s continued relationship with your organization. This exercise will provide you with practice applying this week’s concepts to a scenario involving a provider. Here you are being asked to […]

Can the political leader of a non-member state of the International Criminal Court be judged by this court on crimes against humanity committed inside that state’s territory?

Give your own opinion based on international law sources and use as much comparative cases as possible. If you were the Prime Minister of Spain, would you recognize the independence of Kosovo? What is jus cogens? Do you agree with diplomatic immunity? Did the US violate international law by invading Iraq in 2003? Is the […]

Examine and provide me with three examples of where the Security Council and the ICJ have lived up to each of their described mandates in accordance with international law.

Under the United Nations Charter, the functions and powers of the Security Council are: to maintain international peace and security in accordance with the principles and purposes of the United Nations; to investigate any dispute or situation which might lead to international friction. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the principal judicial organ of […]

What unique advantage(s) might local LE have to help in counter-terrorism efforts? How might local LE agencies utilize the strategies of community-oriented policing to help safeguard communities against terrorism?

As part of the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 and the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City in April, 1995, researchers and law enforcement officials have come to recognize the need for effective coordinated efforts in the fight against terrorism. Major situations such as a terrorist […]

Discuss the origins and impacts of housing as a basic human right . Develop a response to this problem with the assumption that you have the resources and power to promote change.

Housing is a social issue/social problem that is prevalent in today’s society specially in low income communities. Discuss the origins and impacts of housing as a basic human right . Develop a response to this problem with the assumption that you have the resources and power to promote change.

Detail your opinion on whether the concepts of health care tort reform and risk reduction of adverse patient outcomes (improving patient safety) work together for an overall improved system or whether they work contrary to one another.

This assignment will allow you to consider both health care tort reform and risk reduction programs or patient safety improvement programs and to make a determination whether they work to benefit one another or in contrast to one another. In 300 words or less, detail your opinion on whether the concepts of health care tort […]

Educate law enforcement on the nature and behaviors involved in domestic violence and child abuse (What laws protect victims, including the use of protection orders)

Assignment Details The prosecutor is getting feedback from local law enforcement officers explaining that they are discouraged from making arrests in cases of domestic violence and child abuse. They claim that they have been neither making arrests in domestic violence situations nor arresting both parties when they go out on a call. It seems that […]

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