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Proposal to Improve online end user license agreements and privacy policies Create a draft statute or regulation or policy that offers new ideas to better address the issue of making online end user license agreements, including privacy policies, easier to understand for the general public and to better protect the rights of the users of these online resources.

Proposal to Improve online end user license agreements and privacy policies Create a draft statute or regulation or policy that offers new ideas to better address the issue of making online end user license agreements, including privacy policies, easier to understand for the general public and to better protect the rights of the users of these online resources. Within 10 pages, address all of the following:
– Identification of the current statute or regulation or policy that underlies the topic;
– Analysis of the legal and/or ethical challenges to the topic;
– Presentation of new proposed statute or regulation or policy that better addresses the legal and/or ethical challenges to the topic, along with an analysis that justifies the proposal (share both pros and cons for the proposal); and
– Summary of all of the above for conclusion.
1. All submissions must be DOUBLE-SPACED, in Microsoft Word, with one inch margins and 12 point font (Times New Roman).
APA format.

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