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What is the extent of income inequality, and how does it vary by race, ethnicity, and gender? How do sociologists explain labor market inequality? What is the relationship between self-employment and labor market inequality?

Race What is the extent of income inequality, and how does it vary by race, ethnicity, and gender? How do sociologists explain labor market inequality? What is the relationship between self-employment and labor market inequality?

What separates microagressions from the typical social faux pas in which someone says something we’d consider to be in bad taste? In your response explore what might make microagressions seem something more than just individual infractions.

This week we examined the concept of ‘Microagressions,’ which can occur on the basis of race/ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, nationality, and so on. At first blush, microaggressions might be seen as instances of one individual saying something to another that is offensive, to a greater or lessor extent. So in that sense, what separates microagressions […]

Describe the basic ideas and content of the news item. For example, what is the basic topic? What basic ideas/facts about the topic are covered? What overall point/message does the source convey about the topic?

Contemporary Race Relations The relevance of sociological ideas, theory, and research extends to the everyday happenings in our personal/social lives and the world around us. In the news recently, there have been several articles, videos and reports on the race movements happening not only in America, but around the world. For this assignment, find an […]

Analyze the social, economic, and cultural dimensions of racial (in)justice in diverse contexts within frameworks that recognize the salience of social identities, including but not limited to class, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and ability.

Instructions are in the document titled “Assignment Instructions”. Writers choice. All projects are to be written using a race, class, and gender analysis—this is known as intersectional or intersectionality. You will be encouraged to analyze the social, economic, and cultural dimensions of racial (in)justice in diverse contexts within frameworks that recognize the salience of social […]

Develop a strong topic that you would like to investigate.Analyze representations of race and ethnicity in specific works of art and/or film in relationship to the artistic, historical, social and political contexts in which they were made.

General info. on the paper: ● Choose a topic ● Topic should draw on the works of art and film and the readings encountered in the course . ● Develop a strong topic that you would like to investigate. ● Some topics might analyze representations of race and ethnicity in specific works of art and/or […]

How can issues of race and ethnicity be used to keep lower status workers form challenging those who have power over them?

ABOUT 70 PERCENT OF PAGE. SINGLE SPACE How can issues of race and ethnicity be used to keep lower status workers form challenging those who have power over them? Response must be 2 paragraphs. 2 Part of Assignment 1. 1 Paragraph about 30 percent of page single space. Provide a meaningful response to another classmate. […]

How do you identify yourself in terms of Ethnicity? Consider the textbook definition of Ethnicity. Are there occasions or situations in which you are more likely to display your Ethnicity? Yes/No, explain you reason(s).

•Read the Chapter on Ethnicity and Whiteness Chapter 5 •Listen to the course Video/Audio •Read the additional reading “Color-Blind Racism” Respond to the following discussion questions. Be sure to address the questions concisely. Respond to one post with meaningful feedback. Not directly responding to the questions or not responding to a post will result in […]

Describe one of the most important concepts, notions, or ideas that you have learned in this diversity course and explain how this concept may impact your current employment, future academic studies, or future educational research. Support your answer with a minimum of one citation from one of the course’s required texts and one citation from an academic journal.

Adhere to APA format and include citations in your responses. 1. Johnson reminds us “that a great deal of trouble surrounds issues of privilege, power, and difference in this society, trouble relating to gender and race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability status, social class”. Discuss these issues as it relates to diversity in education. Also, how […]

How long do you belong to this group?What are the group goals? Why this group exist?How many people are on the group?

First part of the Paper: preliminary description of the group you choose to develop this paper called Group Profile. Describe what type of group is this, how did you joined the group, for how long do you belong to this group, how many people are on the group. In addition, you might choose to include […]

Discuss the pros and cons of the recommended psychotropic medications (i.e., lithium) as well as any demographic or ethnicity concerns.

Description A concise overview of Bipolar (including known physical health associates) and identification of potential risks and benefits of common prescribed medications (at least two). Discuss the pros and cons of the recommended psychotropic medications (i.e., lithium) as well as any demographic or ethnicity concerns.

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