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What type of moraine is it? Explain how the moraine you identified fits into this type of moraine. Location.

Writing Check out this video that explains how glaciers move: (How Do Glaciers Move? By It’s OK to Be Smart) Check out this video that explains how glaciers shape the landscape: (How do glaciers shape the landscape? By Oxford Education) You can read about different types of land formations made by glaciers at the United […]

How do the Uplift and Weathering hypothesis and the BLAG hypothesis account for Earth’s climate over the past 325 Ma?

Science Geology question 1-Why is Venus so much warmer than Earth today? 2-What is the faint young Sun pose a paradox? 3-What has always acted a long-term thermostat regulating Earth’s climate? 4-What six reservoirs of carbon in order from largest to smallest? 5-Which of the following elements is not one of the top 8 in […]

Define the three basic types of rocks exist on the planet Earth? What are their types and examples?

Geology Answer to following questions: Define the three basic types of rocks exist on the planet Earth? What are their types and examples? What is the mechanism involved in their formation? How to identify/differentiate between them? [2 points] How geological structures are formed due to fold and fault? What are their types? How to classify […]

Give some examples within the geology context illustrating the difference between facts and truths. Better if it is within the Philippines context.

1. What is the difference between facts and truth?How is it different from Opinion? Cite some examples. 2. If something is factual, does it make true? If something is true to you, does it make it factual? Cite some examples. 3. Give some examples within the geology context illustrating the difference between facts and truths. […]

Discuss The ecology of the river and surrounding area. That is, how the living factors (plants, animals, etc.) and non-living (minerals, soil, water, weather, fire) interact.

Description   Gain a better understanding of: The ecology of the river and surrounding area. That is, how the living factors (plants, animals, etc.) and non-living (minerals, soil, water, weather, fire) interact. How humans affect, or threaten, the area’s ecosystem Unique wildlife, plants, geology present in the area The geography of the area Become more […]

How is time determined in Geology? Write two paragraphs that summarize the differences between Relative Dating and Numerical Age Dating and what time means in each context.

How is time determined in Geology? Write two paragraphs that summarize the differences between Relative Dating and Numerical Age Dating and what time means in each context. The summary should include an explanation of the methods used and the results achieved with each method.

What feature of the light source do the spectra represent? In other words, what is it that you are actually analyzing? Why do you think spectrometers are so valuable for studying celestial objects?

Water on Mars & Light from the Stars Introduction Welcome to the final lab activity of GEO 101C! In the first part of this week’s lab, we will leave Earth behind and venture to our neighboring planet of Mars. Using Google Mars, we will explore the terrain of the Red Planet, looking at evidence of […]

What unstable isotope would be best to refine the date of bones found in a cave hearth built by humans between 30,000 and 50,000 years ago?

Geologic Time and Rock & Mineral Identification Guide Adapted from Home Science Tools (2008b) Geologic Time (Radiometric Dating Techniques): Answer the questions below. What unstable isotope would be best to refine the date of bones found in a cave hearth built by humans between 30,000 and 50,000 years ago? We find samples of an igneous […]

List and explain 5 causes of slope failure. Be sure to discuss if the cause is external or internal. Use specific examples from the text, the PowerPoint presentations, and elsewhere to make your point.

This exam is 6 essay-style questions and is worth 180 points. You must answer all 6 questions. This is an open-note, open-book exam that is not timed. This is your final attempt to show me what you have learned in class, so please be sure to do your best work on this exam. Please note […]

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